
It’s going to be a documentary, not a dramatisation

I’d never heard of these people and detest country music, so I have no idea what their particular grounds will have been, but in their shoes, I might have marketed my illness & death. For all the idealism in creating and leaving a visible legacy for your surviving loved ones, and for all the taboos you can crush and

I’m not sure that’s throwing shade anyone... after all, she didn’t exactly do anything about it herself...

1.) Bieber and Kardashian have similar taste in clothes.

Ugh, I know the professional advice when posing for pictures is to tilt your head slightly forward/downward, but it’s one of those things that’s becoming so contrived it’s starting to look as ridiculous as too many people’s trout pouts and teapot arms. Just bloody relax already; it might seem less ‘perfect’ but it

The mostly-white audience’s reaction was difficult to read with many of the attendees seemingly unsure how to respond too botox’ed up to be capable of any facial expressions.

Thank you so much for this comment. Even if you want the upper arms to look slimmer by not pressing them against your body, there are better, more subtle/casual poses than the hand on hip

There was a horrible news story not too long ago of an entire family dying in a house fire in/near NY not too long ago, because of an appliance keeping food warm for the Sabbath (because they’re not allowed to cook or allowed an open flame) igniting or short-circuiting.

Sperm brow is as scary as it sounds... it’s when you’ve plucked your brows into thin lines but with teardrop shapes at the inside of your eye.

Has anyone here actually tried those fading pads and found them to work in terms of fading freckles, or is this just a clever product endorsement Olivia Munn got paid for? Because as much as I used to like my freckles, as I’m ageing they’re making my under-eye area look as if I’ve got brown/yellow rings around my eyes

Louis Theroux made a documentary following Savile that was disturbing enough at the time (when Savile was still alive) let alone after details of his abuse of children came out after his death.

This is the American equivalent, I guess, of Britons shouting “Enoch Powell was right!” or Dutch defending blackface while completely and utterly divorcing themselves* from their countries’ bloody colonial pasts. (*or, perhaps not really knowing about it, because they don’t teach that shit in schools - not that that’s

I can see your point, but I can’t stand waste so I hate throwing things away that aren’t broken. Thankfully there are some deserving charity shops nearby that always welcome good donations.

Didn’t the Foo Fighters make a music video about that?

I’m sorry, I’m a bit of an idiot so I misread the sarcasm in your original comment - d’oh!

Not even with Coldplay, what with Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow remaining on friendly terms and sharing custody of their children so those children get to live life without being torn and abused during/after their parents’ divorce. I can’t hate on parents who care for their kids in such responsible fashion.

why weren’t they rolling camera on it?

Good for her! (Read: I am stinking jealous)

Next up, let’s see the excruciating amount of pressure placed on female pop artists to “support one another” applied, for once, to men!