
Why the hoo-hah on actors’ alleged sexual orientation? Good grief, it’s 2016, we’re rightfully unhappy about the overly white nominees list, because it’s 2016, but oooohhh let’s meddle for our entertainment in the taboo that is sexual orientation, thus reinforcing the taboo-ness of it. Really?!

As happy as I am for people getting together and being happy together, I seriously worry if this could bring about a surge in stalkers, not just on celebs but basically on everyone with a social media account.... scary thought.

This is horrific, such a senseless way to die. Intoxicated-thus-impaired girl walks off and equally intoxicated-thus-impaired friends don’t go after her. Survivors will be left with a guilt trip forever. Everyone loses.

I can totally see where she’s coming from with this, but at the same time the all-white nominees list is a friggin’ disgrace; I mean, I don’t want people nominated for their ethnic background rather than their performance, but ruddy hell, was there really no black actor or director whose work this past season matched

Your experience with tylenol and codeine sounds familiar. Codeine used to knock me out, sometimes for 12-18 hours. At times that was the only form of ‘pain relief’ that would work. So glad I no longer need the opiates!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

No doubt there will be a movie of this, just as there is a bunch of movies about the Kray brothers. But would folks romanticise the story so much had these men not been white? God forbid they’d been Abdul, Mohamed, Suleman and Faisal.

And “no one got hurt” mainly because neither the security guard nor the police

“Celebrity” show makes contestants wear name tags, otherwise folks watching may not know who they are... ‘nough said.

I still don’t care for her latest album (sorry) but I’m definitely a fan of the person. How can anyone not like Adele?

Find her and get her drunk, that might work ;)

Ah yes! I forgot! The last time I had morphine I pressed the button a bit too much which gave me breathing issues. Still didn’t incapacitate me though. Could she have had something other than morphine? Or if she did have morphine, perhaps she had hallucinations from it?

In my experience in the UK, they were reasonably easily administered 5-10 years ago, but these days not so much, certainly not in A&E (=ER). Even my regular tramadol prescription* used to be a doddle but became ever more of an issue lately. (*Thankfully a nice surgeon fixed my body so I’m off meds now.)

Benadryl Cumberbatch

Any doctors here? Because I’ve had plenty of morphine shots in my life and I’ve never been fully incapacitated by any... I would think one would lose consciousness before that could happen on morphine, in which case you wouldn’t know or remember what happened.

Plenty of Jezzies in the UK who would no doubt be happy to send some over if/when needed :)

As his teenage daughter, I’d say she’s the only person in the world entitled to call him uncool. I’d have wished for her to have had plenty more years of “Daa-aaad... you’re so embarrassing!” and the like.

Her whole reason for being well-known is David Bowie, she’s milking it as much as the producers because that’s her entire livelihood. And yes, I find that revolting, but that’s what the show’s about, so I’m not complaining, just not watching.

*hug (not hugh), is the gravest (not in the gravest)... feel free to correct me on other errors :/

Iman, her and David Bowie’s teenage daughter, his son Duncan... I want to hugh them all. Their loss in the gravest. Everyone else still has his artistic legacy, which is phenomenal and will never die. They’ve lost David Jones. David Bowie will never really die.

If I was an trained, established, experienced and potentially awarded journalist I’d be seriously hacked off at a non-journo like Penn getting the gig. Perhaps that’s what El Chapo’s ego required (along with the editorial control RS granted him) but a proper journalist doing proper digging without relenting to his