
Does anyone here know how rough the area in which this happened is? Just asking because there’s a number of off-licenses here that will shut the doors late at night and just have a small window/latch to buy your stuff through; they won’t hand you a phone to make a call but I imagine they’ll make the emergency call for

Two of the suspects were reported to police by their parents... that’s got to be a tough thing to do. Not as tough as what the rape victim’s dad had to go through, but still...

The dress is stunning but the hair is distracting, such a shame

I hate the cut of the dress but the emerald in combination with her eyes.... wow!

I love her dress! Possibly my favourite on the red carpet on this occasion...

My general rule is that I really hate strapless, but Julia Louis-Dreyfuss here is like the exception to that rule... this looks perfect on her.

I love the top half of this dress, below the waste it goes a bit too Disney on Ice for my liking

Is she wearing Birkenstocks under that (dreadful, sorry) dress?

The dress screams “I would fit in Star Wars” and I don’t like it, but that’s OK because I love Saoirse Ronan.


This is a dress that would look absolutely awful on just about everybody else but it looks fabulous on her.

My favourite colour and the dress looks perfect on her.

Highest heels possible and she still looks <5ft tall?

Perfect. Just perfect. So much class it hurts.

I really can’t wait for this cleavage-down-to-the-bellybutton thing to go out of fashion again; it just doesn’t look right to me. Ever.

Her waist is tiny!

How many of these supposed relationships (or hook-ups or whatevs) will actually be genuine/sincere rather than PR moves? Call me cynical but they mainly seem to concern folks who are at a stage in their ‘careers’ where they can do with the coverage, because otherwise what media coverage would they have...?

This man, just like the cop convicted of raping all those women, and the British celebs convicted of sexually assaulting young girls, will never be sorry for what he’s done. He won’t even ever be sorry for getting caught. Warped minds like his will feel sorry, alright, but only ever for themselves, because they

Starring for the ‘foot chariot’ reference <3

Oh come on, mate, get off the fence and tell us what you really think, will you? ;)