
My inner snob really wants to snark and bitch at Taylor Swift’s expense, but she keeps saying/writing/doing things that are awesome, like this.

I do wonder, as comforting as the smell is, surely it naturally fading and being gone is part of the healing process / moving on?

Every morning I wake up and feel/identify as the woman I am in my dreams: 5’8, perfect tan and hot as hell. Then I make my way to the bathroom, see my reflection in the mirror, reality hits and I get on with my life.

That’s because there are people who get involved in charity for genuinely sincere reasons (they tend to not be very visible because ‘the cause’ rules for them), and there are people who get involved in charity because it makes them look good and/or may cover up their ugliness. Prolific child abuser Jimmy Saville

“Dreams of the Man I Pretended Was My Black Father”? “Orange is the New Black”?

Surprised she hasn’t come out yet calling her behaviour a “performance art project” or something, “to prove a point” or whatever BS she can think up as an excuse.

Wait, what, if you’re (a) in California, and (b) rich, why even waste efforts on natural lawns that need water and maintenance? That’s what artificial lawns are made for!

She had her baby today! No details yet on whether it’s a boy or a girl, just that mother and baby are doing well...

Definitely inspired by Catherine Middleton...

Yellow looks bad on most fair-skinned, fair-haired people; proven here once again. This is awful, sorry...

I had similar fears that could have become reality had my sister not stepped in at the very first sign... will forever love sis for that.

“Respect your body’s ... limitations. If all else fails, take solace in the fact that your situation is temporary”

Excuse my ignorance, but what is mono?

May I add one thing here? Gents, if you don’t want to do it, don’t do it. We can have a great time without, so please don’t feel like you have to. Consent goes both ways and I’d hate to think a partner felt obliged to do something they would rather not.


Coke nose?!

Sorry, but I’m just too cynical for this sh1t. Miley’s stuff reads like something straight out of the Madonna and Lady Gaga PR manual: Make claims that some members of the public may find outrageous, regardless of whether you mean any of it, then wallow in attention. Keep up until you have new/more sh1t to sell.

Presuming she’d had no cosmetic surgery yet back then, it’s blatantly obvious she never needed any in the first place. Sad.

That. Exactly.

Just like two people marrying (regardless of gender or sexual orientation) doesn’t affect my quality of life in any way whatsoever, neither will this couple’s divorce. I was taught that in “everyone is equal in the eyes of the Lord” (though my theological knowledge is too limited to know where exactly it says that in