
I never get why people have to hate on two consenting adults getting together. I wish this world was more loved up, perhaps that would help?

Glad to see you're taking this one head on. OR SHOULD I SAY DILDO ON?

Indeed, my (late) cats got so upset with the vacuum cleaner I bought a quieter electric carpet sweeper so I could at least clean carpets daily without stressing them out completely.

I have the iPhone 4s version of this cover, bought from TK Maxx (that's what TJ Maxx is called in the UK) for £5... pleasant and now has minor damage whereas the phone itself doesn't, so I guess it works :)

Allen's the best. Leave Allen alone!

Been done before...

But... She was never NOT beautiful.

*slow clap*

Indeed, or "she wouldn't have employed them if she hated them so she's not a racist" or whatever...

"It's unfortunate that this incident has been exploited to create a storyline that distracts from what we should be focusing on: Kira's impressive academic achievements at Hofstra University, including earning a triple major from the Honors College and her commitment to serving her community."

Perhaps she's just... nice? It only takes one jealous bully-type pupil to start the hating in order to unleash a bullying campaign.

Never until this article did I realise the privilege of growing up with Mrs Huxtable and Aunt Viv on TV... wow, indeed they did influence my view on/of the world and my potential future role in it.

Didn't 'Mallory' turn up in Californication? At least I thought it was that actress, and wish they'd just given her character the same name....

I had an older male Ob/Gyn for years; he was wonderful and I was gutted when he retired. Every appointment or procedure since has been with a different Ob/Gyn; two of them were female, the other male. Each of the females performed surgery on me; one left me black and blue downstairs, the other didn't fare much better

"I've had patients legitimately hit on me — one immediately after her abortion, and another right after a pelvic exam."

Some of this 'fashion' I feel is just a designer or stylist screaming "I HATE WOMEN!" at me. It goes beyond emperor's new clothes level.

You're going to hate me for this, but insertion and replacement were done during surgery for endometriosis, so under full anaesthetic. That said, the initial insertion was done during surgery by a brute of a surgeon so I was black and blue afterwards. Chronic pain raises one's pain threshold but I passed out twice

I'm a walking advert for the Mirena! Several women I know got one and had it taken out because of the pains and cramps. I had those the first 3-6 months (initially even regretting it), then bliss happened (and remained, even after the 5-yearly replacement). No more periods, no more PMS/PMT, almost no more migraines (2