
Personally I have a soft spot for men telling why their woman (or man) is the best, the most beautiful, etc. For me (and them) that's not about approval but about love, admiration, respect and so on.

"[Elementary school kids] don't need to be worried about finances. They need to be worried about what grade they got in spelling."

OK, I'll bite.

Question: Do contestants get paid a regular wage or something during all those months they're taking part in the show? Reason I'm asking is that the winner has spoken about exercising five to eight hours a day, which made me wonder if she had a job to go to, and if not, how she got to pay her bills.

The bear looks like Rob Ford but still better than Wenlock and Mandeville from London 2012.

My cat thinks this video is racist.

And then there's of course the problem that these days most virgins merely tend to be virgins only in the sense that their hymens are intact. One dreads to think of all the toxins in their bloodstream from everything that's penetrated every other orifice.

"A real doctor diagnosed a patient based on something he remembered from an old House episode"

Damn. I was so goddamn drawn into the happy story of a Jamaican bobsled team qualifying for the Olympics again, and I loved how "we, the internet" then got to crowdfund them to actually go there, but of all places it has to be this hell hole where by government diktat you're supposed to hate humans and animals? And

As a Londoner I feel that everything we feared was going to occur at the London 2012 Olympics (but didn't) is now actually happening in Sochi. And the poor folks over there paid way more for it, too.

By the way, much of Hayden Kays 'art' appears to be taking someone else's trademark, logo, or picture and changing, ridiculing, printing or doodling all over it... surely that's going to bring about a lawsuit sooner or later?

"Ohhhhhhhh my god, that is a whole bunch of vapid, twee nothingness. Seriously, white dudes can literally just make what-the-fuck-ever and call it art."

Crash dieting sounds scary to me, but I guess a slow, steady weight loss of a few pounds per week thanks to a sustained change of lifestyle wouldn't make for spectacular TV... what happens when the cameras switch off, are contestants still supported by experts or do producers and tabloids simply sit and wait for

You are correct:

He has a daughter?! Good grief, I really hope she never gets treated this way by anyone and I sure as hell hope daddy didn't teach her that it's okay for anyone to treat her that way (or vice versa).

Thanks so much for sharing that link! That article had me in tears, too... the family speaks so candidly, even though they've been through so much.

Wish I could click 'recommend' on your comment more than once... and that I could hug this family, which is clearly so supportive of each other. I can't even begin to imagine the bullying hell this girl Nicole must have gone through in her life so far... and folks protesting against her...?! Wow, we've got some way to

It's only Facebook... people who don't click like on your every update, or may even post a comment respectfully disagreeing with you are not necessarily toxic friends. It would be more toxic for you to surround yourself with only sheeple who clap like performing seals to everything you say or do.

"In the past year, in addition to working on several very high-profile photo shoots, he's directed music videos for Miley Cyrus and Beyoncé — both of whom have publicly stated that they see themselves as feminists."

My late mother, who was Dutch Reformed Protestant, used to say "I'd rather you marry a good (devout) Muslim than a bad (insincere) Christian". I don't know if she would have wholeheartedly stuck to that belief had I indeed married a devout Muslim man (she wasn't too best pleased I married a divorced father of two,