
In an ideal world, maybe, but for most people this will be too expensive, too time-consuming and possibly leaving them with a label of being 'litigious', all of which isn't going to help getting jobs that feed the family.

You've got me curious now... what brought you from London to LA in the first place? And why did you move back (and are now considering moving there again)?

Apologies for all the questions but I passed on the opportunity to move from London to LA 4-5 years ago... I love love love London and don't know if I could ever

Here's a crazy question: Why? You hardly get bored raising a child, why force it to do something like this, which doesn't do him/her, you, or anyone any good?

Counting down to when the headlines will try to shock us with news that Miley did not get naked when posing in front of a camera...

My personal experience has been that celebrities, in terms of being pimped to press and public, have most to worry from their own entourages and (inner) circles of family and friends...

"We should [do x-y-z], then maybe we'll get school off"

Yes, please!

Never in my life will I have the money or the occasion to wear anything as beatiful as these, but thank you, Ralph & Russo, for allowing my inner child the princess daydream with these designs. I'm happy.

"Next season's Fugly Christmas Sweaters at Primark will be designed by Ralph Lauren," right?

That autograph reads 'Juxtin Biebel'...

Perhaps so, but there are ways of handling it that are better than just taking them down. Last year a five-year-old boy tragically died near here after being hit by a car. Within days the flowers left piled up so wide and high they obstructed traffic; it was then arranged for and with the boy's family and their church

Dear Madonna,

Just like there are people who can proverbially light up a room by entering it, there are people who are the exact opposite. Tonya Harding was the latter, and there was nothing she could do about that. Had she had all the sponsorships to buy herself an army of image consultants, stylists, vocal coaches, PR reps and

Whether or not it was a wise decision to offer $10K for the untouched pictures, I don't know, but I understand if you pay that kind of money you might want to get the most out of your investment, possibly squeeze every possible detail out of it and dedicate more than just the one post to it.

Wow, BlackIvyG, thanks for opening my ignorant eyes, here, to an issue that I did not realise existed. But now you say, of all mixed race couples I know, the vast majority involve a black male with a non-black woman rather than the other way around. Chance? Deeper grounds? No idea.

I'm amazed at the power and influence of these fraternities and sororities, but perhaps I don't understand because I grew up and studied in Western Europe. Where I studied they were more like cliques that you needed to be invited into; I kindly declined one such invitation because as nice as it sounded to be

His voice dropped? And fell on her?

If Geena's suggestions will be picked up by Hollywood, could someone please pretty please initiate a culture change involving actresses overdoing it on the cosmetic augmentations?

As a white European immigrant in the UK, I don't have to deal with anything like the remarks depicted here, but I do have a particular remark I've received quite a number of times. It happens when people around me fail to realise or have forgotten my immigrant status and spout their (closet) racism and I have to