
Painful, yes, but the nerves may have died off with the flesh, and besides, Krokodil being an opiate I would think it acts as powerful pain relief.

This comment is one of the best I've ever read online, certainly the very best in relation to this topic, so much so I had to reblog; hope you don't mind.

I'm loving how this is turning into a "post a picture of your black (rescue) pet" comments section - too cute!

So for all Rihanna haters on the internet, I suppose she - indirectly - did something good for the world... sort of, right?

Poor girl, she doesn't deserve that. She's a girl, always has been, and was voted homecoming queen by her peers. People who can't handle that ought to get a grip.

Am looking forward to visiting it once it's opened. I just hope they really make the cats' welfare their prime focus; not long ago I took someone else's children to a beautiful city farm, only to find that nearly all the animals there were acting stressed and rather fearful of humans, especially children. It broke my

“I walked in and the lady at the front counter said hey you’re too big to be in this store, I need you to leave”

Actually, I beg to differ here. Thankfully attitudes and laws have changed compared to twenty years ago and we now see relations between 16-year-olds and their teachers as far worse than merely inappropriate.

There is no way of knowing what she thought/felt/wanted here, but I've known several people who deliberately tried for another baby when they'd only given birth to one relatively recently.

Thankfully, it is taken more seriously these days. In past generations... not so much (=understatement).

When employees raise grievances or law suits over unfair treatment, I always wonder whether including just about every and any anecdote of what they perceived as unfair will actually help or diminish the strength of the case they try to make?

"Why else can we not stop drooling over Helen Mirren?"

Ugh, I really hope she - and every other new mum - manages to stand strong and proud enough to blissfully ignore this nonsense from the magazines and go her own way, in her own time.

Tantrums on grown-ups are so wrong... someone please rescue that child from under her pram-slamming hands.

There are plenty of negative things I could say about Michael Jackson, but how I wish he was still alive today, if only to shield his children like he did. My heart breaks for these kids; they're missing out on a dad and being exposed to so much they shouldn't have to be.

Don't know if this is a UK-only thing but I seem to hear more and more people who don't necessarily have a baby voice or use baby language, but who appear to enunciate everything in a child-like fashion. It sounds as if they are using only the fronts of their mouths to speak, if that makes sense; for instance, "we

In Tracey Emin's own 'Emperor's New Clothes' world, justification after the fact is as blissfully ignored as hypocrisy.

The latter is what I love about Britain - like finding out in 2011 that police riot shields make excellent tea trays...

'Only' 52wpm? That's not 'only', that's perfectly fine, I'd say. (Don't feel put off by ego masseurs posting their world record speeds.)

Congrats on your world record