
Sadly FeedDemon is dying too...

Looks funny but fake. I don't think Britain ever used the dollar sign and the prices appear to be too high to be from around 1912... language and print don't appear old enough either.

Did James Hetfield have the same choir teacher as you?



Think you're the smartest person in the room? NEWS FLASH: You're probably not. You just think you are. (This article doesn't tell you that but if you follow the advice given you'll discover just that...)

Having never seen this show but read various pieces on it, I can't figure out if this series does something good or bad in respect of people's prejudices towards people from different social backgrounds.... any experiences?

#nail #head

"Apple claims Honan's hack shouldn't of happened like that."

So... did any doofus already come out with the cliche d!ckhead defence of "Seth Stephens-Davidowitz would say that, because he's a cog in the great big Zionist media machine blah blah blah"? 'Cause that sort of drivel tends to be a popular response among keyboard warriors against just about anything online these

...and I bet none of you 'loner kids' turned out socially awkward or anti-social.

While its outcome makes sense, this piece of research is too limited (19 children only) and doesn't appear to look at the other side - competition may ostracise but it's not all bad; as the clumsy child who was always picked last, I may have built up more resilience in dealing with failure, rejection etc. than the

Paid internships would not benefit the "well-connected kids" any more than any internship - paid or unpaid - already does now. I doubt anything could change that. They would, however, benefit those who can't afford to do unpaid internships so competition for each internship would probably increase but to me that's not

"I have serious reservations about whether there's any criminal activity here or just misguided parenting intentions."

P.S. Working for a boss who seems the most disorganized person in the world doesn't need to be a problem if (s)he at least allows your organized self to take full control of his/her office, diary, mailbox etc so you can set the structure for him/her; I even bought one boss a digital voice recorder for his thoughts so

Craigslist is not commonly used in the UK (where I am based) so I couldn't say for sure, but I would assume so. There are plenty of specialist freelance marketplace websites too but personally I am not too fond of them myself (most 'customers' on there tend to want to pay nothing or too little and then the website

Keyword search or searching for words in files can help you find back what you need when you need it; no need to remember what the name of a file itself was. :)

jigglyball is right, sell your skill. I would say it's among the top 10 skills to have for a PA these days, and typical of a one-off or periodical task individuals will nowadays hire me for as a freelance assistant. Pays the bills nicely :)

So what are you supposed to do? What you feel most comfortable with yourself. Personally I love deleting (or at least archiving) stuff out of sight, but if you feel more at home with a gazillion items in your mailbox, keep it that way.