
It’s really about ethics in superhero journalism.

Cancel cancel culture. It’s time for reasonable people on the left to correct course.

Nah fam - someone wants to be a bigot that shit should follow them until they publicly renounce it.

The fact that Chapelle has toured with Louis CK AFTER CK admitted to all that shit he did should be a huge red flag.

man, look, the thing about someone like Dave Chappelle is their mixed history looks worse the further time goes on. like Chappelle is may have a really good grasp on black relations in America, and is also really good at bringing humor to the subject. but he’s always had a spotty to terrible history with seemingly

See, now this adds more nuance to it. If they had included this information, it goes from “decent person has shitty opinion” to “person claiming to be decent has a bunch of shitty opinions.” This creates a pattern, at which point getting rid of her makes a lot more sense.

They do devote a fair bit of time to trans men, the hatred just takes a different form with statements like “See, we don’t hate trans people, transmen (sp) are still welcome BECAUSE THEY’RE WOMEN”, spreading false nonsense about a "plague of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria"(not a thing that actually exists) "among girls

Can't wait for all the galaxy brained "Well well, the game about anti-fascism is silencing someone's voice, HMMM" takes

Speaking as one of them, The British live on a tiny little rock that doesn't have a lot going on on it so the national past time is getting obsessively angry about mundane things. Occasionally this results in something positive like the great British baking show but usually it means people devote their entire lives to

While it is good that she is being removed from the game for her anti-trans shit, it’s disappointing that Kotaku has not brought up in this article her virulent hatred of Palestinians and her article relating all critics of zionism to anti-Semites. This woman was really just no good.

What is with you Brits hating trans rights? Obviously there is a lot of bigotry in the States but that comes from mostly right wing dipshits you expect to hate trans people not people typically associated with being left of center politically like you Brits. 

...I’m pretty sure they’re just implying that she, a 30-something lady, is dating a 30-something guy, who happens to have a child that is her patient.

operation raperclip

This is the only correct take and it’s infuriating that fucking apologists don’t get it.

Asshole or not, you hire the best people for the job

The story is a company hired him on the understanding he’d resolve outstanding harassment claims. He’s failed to do that, so the company is suspending his contract until he does.

Let me shed a tear for a convicted rapist who nearly lost everything. T_T

I kinda feel like it’s cultural differences between Japan and the Western world, where we have different beliefs about what kinds of misconduct are bad and what aren’t so bad.

On the plus side, he is not the only person who works at Arc System Works who understands rollback netcode. While annoying that they still were working with him, it’s good to see they let him go until the situation is resolved.

That’s not how copyright works. These characters are running, not skating; the characters are original, the music will be original, the engine is not stolen. For better or worse, you can’t copyright a style.