
Choke on rancid smegma you craven moral vacuum

China is about as communist as North Korea is Democratic. Calling yourself something doesn't make it so.

How many homophobes can you cram into one track?

Are the timed chests the only form of monetization?

This article is the whitest hot take possible

Yeah. Honestly having signed with Roadrunner was a bad sign about the direction they want to take their music. I was hoping for another band similar to Enter Shikari and then they ended up sounding like Papa Roach’s newer stuff.

I was really disappointed with the full length. Their EP was leagues better.

I like some of her stuff (A few tracks from Invasion were some of my most listened to songs this year) but jesus this song is awful.

Feathers were a common accessory in early Westerns, films that shaped much of mainstream America’s views of American Indians. It’s tied to the use of headbands, which were actually just a practical prop for white actors playing first nations to keep their wigs on during action scenes.

Fuck off with this archaic “dictionary definition” of pedophile. Gross ass fucking neckbeard fucker.

It’s still used by the German military but any other context, especially outside of Germany, is gonna be Nazis.

It’s a Prussian/German military medal and as with many other German military elements is now extremely linked with the Nazis. Given the context of it with the 14 88, this example is explicitly Nazi.

This is not OK, but it’s “normal” for America because America fucking sucks. This exact same thing would have happened 5 years ago. Obama was just as much of a monster when it came to immigration. Every president has been a piece of shit.

Yes they would have. Obama was monster when it came to immigration enforcement. read up on it.

Yes they would have. Obama was monster when it came to immigration enforcement. read up on it. As for an example, just look into detainment of minors crossing the border under Obama. A lot of the pics we’ve seen being passed around lately are from his admin.

Yes they would have. Obama was monster when it came to immigration enforcement. read up on it.

Bloodborne. This should be everyone’s favorite weird fiction game. The way it starts out as normal Victorian horror then slowly shifts to Lovecraftian horror is perfect.

Yeah, even if it isn’t the Jews or a single world government, they believe an agreement among the world’s governments to hide natural resources so they stay profitable. I also frequently saw a religious aspect poke in, with a belief in the firmament and some really crazy takes on the tower of babel story. Then theres t

It really is, though. She was pretty leftist, but one of those weirdly antisemitic kind you can find disappointingly easily. Backed a holocaust denying musician and shit. Then she had a religious reawakening and threw the baby out with the bath water, “since I hated the existence of Israel as a socialist, I now must

They’re not trolling. I infiltrated a private flat earther group on Facebook (there was like an application essay and everything, had to prove I knew my stuff and was one of them) and it was fun to copy all their memes and posts and stuff over into my group chats and have a laugh. Then it turned real antisemitic real