
American Dad moved to TBS and has already been picked up through season 15.

Marvel actually owns the rights to Namor, not Fox, and I would go see a Namor movie 10 billion times.

Spray tans are both racist and trashy.

All real world politicians are Slytherin.

Greek life is stupid pointless bullshit anyways. More harm comes from these cesspools than good.

#NotAllWhiteWomen amirite?

This is the first comment I’ve seen on this article that isn’t disgusting.

Production on the movies is so far ahead of AoS that every crossover/lead in/allusion to the films is a one sided reference. The movies cannot crossover with the show, but the show has enough of a heads up that they can conform their storytelling to match the films.

A certain famous Bill is a sex predator so that’s not a safe name either.

It may but the coolest anime, but is it the hottest kind of cool?

I absolutely love this story. One of my favorite parts of Daredevil season 2 is that I can pretend Matt representing Frank in court is an homage to this.

I swear to god ADs are getting more infiltrative by the day.

Grim Dawn just had its full release. Path of Exile also just had another big expansion come out, and that’s F2P.

I’ve been a fan of Battle Royale for TWELVE years and I still get pissed off when people honestly believe it and The Hunger Games share more than one basic element.

The Battle Royale movies weren’t officially released in the US until 2012. You probably own bootlegs.

Joseph Kahn’s Detention features a time-traveling space bear

Fury Road delivered a strong message and said what it needed to say without “saying” anything. Exposition is lazy and too much of a message can be heavy handed and cheesy. My favorite part of Fury Road was the “show, dont tell” method of visual storytelling. Exposition just tells me that the filmmakers were lazy

They meant originally, before publishers started abusing the system. PS2 era and earlier preorder bonuses were rare, but you ran the risk not getting a AAA title first printing or for niche titles having to buy secondhand for 2x+ MSRP.

VAWA was folded into the bill and a vote against the crime bill was a vote against VAWA. In a damned if you do, damned if you don’t measure Sanders voted for the bill but was very outspoken about the potential results of the rest of the bill.