Truck Fump

Well, she is at least direct enough to be a racist WAY out in public, instead of being fake-friendly and then talking smack at the hillbilly bar.

If you’re covering fashion and say “pussy window” I imagine something like the clear facemask, only over the pussy area

 You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say. 

Sheriff Steve Hinkley has chosen “not to name the deputy at this time.”

As we tell people at the testing station, rapid tests aren’t as accurate, and even with the pcr test, you should take a negative test with a grain of salt, and follow all precautions.

“a far-left anti-fascist movement whose adherents sometimes engage in violent clashes with right-wing extremists.”

I’m only saying this because of the anonymity of the internet, and I’m confident no one can trace this (burner) account to my real identity. Because if what I’m about to admit about myself ever came out, I would lose my family, my friends, my career, everything. But I know it was wrong, and I deserve every bit of

I thought it was a typo before realizing they didn’t even bother to hyphenate.

The police drove us to Murkowski’s home, where her husband had built us a nice fire and had glasses of wine awaiting us.

Yes several of us Texas libs were calculating the probability that he fully believed he was going to the real Alamo.

if she went to Liberty University, she was taught how to handle that.

For sure. It’s already half gone. 3 months from now, no one will even remember it happened. Shit, the Texas PTA is already filing lawsuits to get the event removed from history books.

[from FB, all sic]

From a Middle Eastern friend:

“Due to covid travel restrictions the US had to set up a coup locally this year

Always Leeroy Jenkins Your Terrorism, plz

I’m going to lay good odds the guy in the photo is a cop, based on his gear and that Punisher logo on his vest. 

You’re right. I was struggling for an appropriate analogy when there is really nothing analogous to what we are witnessing.

This take is fucking nuclear.

Zodiac Killer has to Zodiac.

Why would they launch rubber bullet and tear gas in to crowds of their buddies?

“I got re-elected, and he didn’t, so who gives a shit?”