Truck Fump

I’m guessing because it was racist and awful. Again, just a guess.

This is a fun game.

“Melania is a smart woman who knows exactly what she does.”

Did you find this Yelp review:

So, you’re implying that transgenerational racial animosities, involving the horrors of ethnic cleansing and genocide, might lead to emotional reactions that some people perceive as less than sportsmanlike behavior on the field?

Now playing

Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros - Diggin the New

Look at her and her family, they are dinner rolls. With extra butter. 

 Folks quick with the memes. Hahahahaha!!!

A soothing fantasy I have:

My first instinct was to go “womp womp” but then I decided “i don’t care do u” was better but no actually “thoughts and prayers” was funnier but I’ve officially settled on “Good, I hope you get discriminated against by all decent people for the rest of your short, diabetic life you traitorous corn-fed Leni Riefenstahl”

This is why it is so important not to declare “mission accomplished” and forget about the protests. Find out what is going on in your area and do what you can to keep up the pressure. You don’t have to be a hero. You just need to let the world know you care.

Wouldn’t be the first time she’s tried to convince people that something that is awful is actually good:

He’s been playing in the Eastern Conference all along?

Jason, both you and KC have very valid points. The Democrats should do everything in their disposal to obstruct this administration because it’s plain evil. At the same time, they can’t pass any legislation - for example, Diane Feinstein’s Keep Families Together Act has the support of every single Democrat in the

Can we stop using the antiquated and false-to-the-point-of-irony term peace officer, please.

You go on a simple rant about wanting to kill defenseless people at the border, just because they’re hoping for a better life. And people are treating me badly?!?!

Hmmm? I wonder if he spent any time going through his voice mail and texts from his dead number during dinner? >:-)

Handmade tortillas... lovingly warmed between buttcheeks.