Truck Fump

At least 177 dead in ICE detention centers since 2003.

“ Then he was going to do prison reform, which ABC described as a “personal passion” of his.”

Now playing

The incredibly talented Gary Clark, Jr. covering “Come Together”.

Fucking fascists cant even see a good thing when its sitting on their faces. Do they not realize that protests are an overtime cash cow? They even get to wear all of their favorite regalia.


Prison’s changed you, man.

Oh so all of a sudden Texas is upset about someone taking a couple shots at the President.

Take your coonin ass up on outta here.

“Well, obviously, this folder marked WILDLY ILLEGAL SHIT is not pertinent to this investigation, so I’ll just take that.”

Troll alert!


In celebration, I will post my favorite Spencer GIF:

Well, I think it’s kind of a lackluster endorsement of whiteness. It’s just OK to be white, not awesome or great or whatever? I thought it was white supremacy, not white goodenoughacy.

Give me my money, bitch.

And vegan!

Even if you’re not into the new testament, Moses was pretty clear about that whole golden calf thing, and what is capitalism if not the worship of gold?