Truck Fump

I concur. No Tebows or herbs here, just straight up fuckin’!!

Police abolishment would go a long way in reducing these incidents.

Hangry is hangry. Case dismissed.

Well E Dub, you have captured the Splinter gang. Now what ya gonna do with us?

Prayin for the medical emergency then.

I always go for the pre-weighed special, but when I put it on atop the fridge, it becomes top shelf. So shelf, but only in my mind.

That DDP's a helluva drug!

What gives, Dad? Your usual go to “looks like” guy is Danny Glover.

I’m jumping in kinda late here. So y'all are saying they put cabbage on the chicken sandwich? That ain't right.

I'm sorry, what?

No, but I bought some ear buds at Shep's urging that turned out to be junk. Kinda like his one eighty on the walkout. 

No, but I bought some ear buds at Shep's urging that turned out to be junk. Kinda like his one eighty on the

Kinda his thing

Everyone knows Fennell did it.

The dog in the picture appears to have bone spurs.


Austria! Austria! Austria!

Austria! Austria! Austria!

Gimme the 3-all trifecta wheel for 100 pesos.

This mothefucker here.

Does this ‘Banksy’ exhibit down at the gun show?

Different Lynx. I’m Links Hawthorne.