Truck Fump


.85 mil? How hard can it be to give a bus driver directions to the next thrashing by, well, pretty much everyone?

Cristina Tzintzun is an excellent Senate candidate and the fact that some of Beto’s folks have signed on with her proves it. It is not progressive for you to appeal to the one revolutionary candidate to drop out in favor of prosecutors and centrists.


Hey, here's one Mel! Let's do an Al Franken one.

All of Illinois is aghast at your comment.

That’s the only reason I’m taking the under. His stamina only lasts for about one Donna Summer song.

Watch out! A racist with an apostrophe...and he just might use it.


Stern ruined SEIU at a time when Unions were at our most vulnerable. His actions there in turn, decimated the AFL-CIO. There is a direct correlation between Stern’s reign and our nationwide decline in membership. He is not just a turncoat, or sellout he is a war criminal in the war against workers. And he had NOTHING

Lambs Armstrong denies all the accusations!

Slow day on the lawn?

This also implies pitches that skip into the catchers glove are fair game too. If Billy Hamiltin stole 155 in the minors, someone should be able to steal 200.

What a pence of shit!

Yes, all cops.

Yakety Sax!

Pissin’ it all away is what this motherfucker does. It’s kinda his thing.

My whole life I’ve been telling myself that Nazis kicking in doors was a historical abberation. People would never let it happen again. Every shit talking lefty on here better be prepared to take action this weekend if they come for your neighbor.