Truck Fump

Kaep's backup in 2013.

Your asking questions like maybe you’ve never been to Missouri.

Isn’t it past your bedtime, Bonzo?

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Like Miyagi and Daniel san. Except with axes.

They should be DQed for referring to curlers as athletes.

Pelosi was asleep at the switch for most of her tenure and is as responsible for this mess as Lieberman, Clinton and the whole rest if the old guard. She can be put out to pasture with grace and Fudge is very eloquently laying the groundwork.

The votes have been counted and you lost, Joe. Your future in lobbying will turn your financial frown upside down.


When you slow it down, you can clearly hear him screaming, “Leroy Jenkins!!

Enough horseplay.

Bigith Dickith, the documentary.

Yes, mall cops.

Taco John’s is super secret cop code for the computer at the public library.

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a co-worker named grey turned me on to this band.

Grier played about as well as Taylor Cornelius. The bottom line is that DBU is a thing of the past.

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Sonny died yesterday. He could shred with the best, but I think his unique lyrical takes are what made him one of the coolest.

What exactly about Syrian refugees scares you?

Dude’s name is Shams. I mean, it’s like right there, in his name!