Truck Fump

The food volume does help explain the fifteen minutes between 2:30am and prayer time.

I know the Sox are desperate for some pitching, but that kid stinks.

Respect the Cox!

Respect the Cox!

It’s satire. Genuine Trumpholes never open with “I’m a Trump supporter.” It is either “I am an Independent,” I’m not a racist, but,” or “Kaepernick is not even a good quarterback .....”

Ann Coulter light.

Now playing

Evan John may have been the shreddingest motherfucker ever walked the streets of Austin (&DC)

You are not missed.

You are underestimating the depravity of GOP operatives. This guy was the cleanest they could find.

The one throwing the white power sign?

Skidmore and Grannik are definitve racist good old boys. Deviants like Schneider have higher rates of recidivism than any other class of criminal, contadicting Grannik’s excuse for letting him off.

Cops want MORE crime. Doctors want MORE sick people and Twitter wants MORE gullible people.

These bastards always get popped when a victim lives. This psycho has nests of well fed gators in his backyard.

Wasteman defenders never sleep. They’re all hopped up on Alex Jones virilty pills and Starbursts.

Everyone knows you have to cut an “x” with your Barlow knife and suck the poison out.

Fuh gator bout it.

Everyone should have seen the direction tennis was going when they switched to the yellow ball.

So like Stephen Miller in a fur coat?