Truck Fump

+1 That simplifies things.

Leonard was excellent. What no one seems to be contemplating is the probability that he’s done. Injury on top of old injury makes a Derrick Rose trajectory just as likely as any. Spurs win this one as soon as DeRozan meets Pops and the Admiral at La Tapatia.

Max and a tire iron could take out these flabby fetishists.

If you want to know what Clayton is like without going there, set your time machine for 1960 and point it toward South Africa.

The tourney vanishing act should have been a dead giveaway. 

Another name would be better.

I really am sorry. It’s just that I get a really good deal on the one-legged turkeys.

Cry havoc, and loose the readers of war!


...and the pools have sharks, right? And we get Wasteman to get up close and we all push him in! I like your way of thinking. Creativity star!

Nobody does Texas better than New Hampshire.

Hindu tattoos.

They exploited a gaping hole in security.

Chicago cops invented (Haymarket) and perfected (68 Dem Con) the police riot. Their motto since ‘68 has literally been, “The police are not here to create chaos, they are here to preserve it.” They have been the best argument for police abolishment since at least 1905.

It is heartwarming that Parker can finish his career in his hometown, but sad he will never get to play in another playoff game there.

Looks to me like Wasteman was doing the shit hisself scoot to escape Greenpeace.

+1 kinjapedia

Wypipo can skip ahead to recipes.