Truck Fump

Shoulda used his good luck knife.

Jemele Hill: 100% on the money! FDT

+1 baker

Been there, Den that.

Any self-respecting organization would have realized long ago that you can never top the Disco Demolition:

When a group of gullible Alex Jones devotees are gathered and a Baked Alaska acolyte walks by they say, “Now there’s a gullible motherfucker, there!”

I think people should at least consider the possibility that the cops knew it was Bennett and knew his politics.

Voodoo Donuts sells a donut with bacon on it.

Four hundred and twenty stars

No way Schilling is going to let a punk like Jake Paul out redemption attempt him.

Better get an Amish judge. Anyone else knows this is a clear case of an old taking 30 hours to do something that would take a fourteen year old twenty minutes.

Thanks for exposing this tool. Chump answers questions with questions, denies racist complicity of building trades leadership and takes credit for the organizing work of nurses who did it all themselves. Might as well have Danny Fetonte at the helm.

The Aristocrats!

Pat Kelly

This pablum position only holds water if you think an unincarcerated athlete who is better than half the rostered players at his position is teamless isn’t a legitimate sports story.

Fowler: “Grey Goose? Pull!”

I’d say running a 4'9" running back up the middle is a little dickish.

Antifa soup can.

Hank Aaron had 42 errors in his first year of sandlot.