Truck Fump

This is a Texas culture (see multiple posts re: “juicing” etc) that begins with the Texas legislature. Before the end of the session legislators will get busted with a prostitute, or driving drunk, or stealing in some sort of way you never even thought of. When they become really polished they become University

It amazes me that some members of the media consider this psycho a genius marketer. (Or marketing genius, for English language respecters)

I think a work trip in Tennessee is technically an oxymoron.

Tim Tebow will reportedly be filling in for Noah for the remainder of the season.

Excuse me, Coach Harbaugh. There’s a J. Beauregard Sessions here to see you, sir.

Heil that.

I’m so pissed you tricked me into reading this. More than ten percent of NFL teams pass on free agent QBs for millions of different reasons; superstition, Wunderlich scores, rivalries, unorthodox throwing motion, Jeff Fisher’s tiny brain, hanging around with the wrong crowd, calling yourself Johnny Football, obnoxious

Sharkey has been tapped by the GOP to deliver the keynote address at 2020 Republican National Convention.

In Union parlance we call that anti-union.

Frank the Tank don’t care ‘bout no snobbish Naperville haters. COD on Spring Break brah?

Bill Self doesn’t need an extra 90 minutes to fail to prepare any discernable game plan.

Young currently competing in local DUI competitions here in Austin vs. Cedric Benson.

Eight years? Seemed like a lot less.

The classic “hey, your shoe is untied,” played to perfection. That’s how we do it in Jersey, baby!

Are you certain he didn’t marry his mother?

Non-plussed and oblivious, Joey Porter returned to the hotel shortly after the all-clear was issued.

President Carter - Lookin’ good at 90!

Actually it’s  Charles Thompson Bail Bonds LLC. in Norman.