JoJo Adams

One of my lottery dreams, besides woodworking etc..., is to get back into the front of the house. Reason? To fuck with all of these shitheads.

...stealing this (and, it REALLY needs a meme)


I think my favorite exchange is between Sam and Vincent:
Sam “Are you labor, or management?”
Vincent “If I was management I wouldn’t have given you the cigarette.”

Thanks, David Mamet.

Agreed, but consumers aren’t rational.

Sounds like that kid needed medication and therapy. That said, I still woulda rat-tailed her mom while she was bent over the sink! I miss my kitchen days.

My prediction?

Always thought that the PT Cruiser looked like a shoe. Also, I often confused this car for the PT Cruiser. Don’t drive around in a used shoe.

I just saw one in Mass this past weekend (Beverly? Salem? Lynn?) and I was all “cool! a GT-R!!” but the shape did not do to my eyeballs and loins what other supercars do to me.

23 page ranting fax. jesus. get your Heady Topper

VERY cool. Thanks for this, Kristin! Crazy: going from midtown to my old apt in Morning Side Hts, it went uptown in the SOUTH BOUND lane of the West Side Highway, using a rearward-facing camera!

the Holden McGroin?



I think it’s beautiful. Even if it IS where people pee.

The universal Harley mod - a Harley tshirt while riding your Ha....

that bike looks SICK my man. really well written article. thanks for this. your handi-work reminds me of Vintage Steele in Brattleboro, VT.

You’re welcome :) it seems to go back to 2013 (just change the year in the URL) - but sadly no further. My dad’s Toyota Highlander (71) is way more American than my Jetta (9.5), hahahahaha.