great post, man. and here’s some numbers for your dad!…
great post, man. and here’s some numbers for your dad!…
Give’em this link and then discuss “American” cars. eg; is a Honday Odyssey more “American” than a Jeep Grand Cherokee?
How “American” is a car, anyhow? Check out this index.
That’s not steak, but bullshit.
GREAT stuff, as always. Thanks for this piece. I am really looking forward to your book.
Why aren’t there Confederate flag burnings?
“People who value the facade of order over substantial justice deserve neither.”
Squatty Potty! People swear by them. I’m intrigued, girlfriend is horrified....
Love it, thanks man! Have been eating this up. But in all honesty I’m thinking you pulled the trigger a lil too soon. Shoulda bought this.
So he’s potentially a serial killer?
Enjoy prison assholes.
+1 for italics!
THANK GOD my soulmate. Tried to get a buttered roll (w/coffee; breakfast) in San Jose once... WOW.
The following are all true:
I am white.
Parents made $120,000, owned one 3BR house with mortgage.
Father has BS + 2 MSs, mother no college. Father's alma mater is not my alma mater.
High School "GPA" was 72/100. I was the class rank median.
NYS Regents.
No General classes.
No Honors classes.
No AP classes/exams.
Some guys in my office have SUCH offensive BO that I will not take the elevator with them. Wish they would discover their first can of Axe and hose themselves down.
Like a biohazard symbol: "This car can kill you".
...and when the other person, or their insurance company, comes to 'your' insurance agency looking for payment. Besides possibly facing charges of insurance fraud or rate evasion, what if you or the other person are seriously injured or there's major property damage? Who do you think will be left holding the tab? …
Those wings were spicy THREE times...