Well you can name your kid Assrape if you want.. doesnt mean it should be allowed as a handle on a popular online game.
Well you can name your kid Assrape if you want.. doesnt mean it should be allowed as a handle on a popular online game.
Those die hard Bernie supporters are just as bad as Trump supporters... if they don’t get their way, they would rather watch the world burn than compromise
Sounds like Republican training in America 101.... turn against your peer and support your leaders in hopes that one day you can be like them.
Stardew Valley is $12... only 20% off... should I wait or is $12 close enough to the $10 buy now threshold?
Only thing I want on sale from Steam is Vive... or HL3 preorder
Theres a reason restaurants and commercial cleaners still use the old mop and wringer. Steam mops and swiffers are more like toys for wiping up light spills... a step up from a napkin+windex.
Theres a reason restaurants and commercial cleaners still use the old mop and wringer. Steam mops and swiffers are…
No one makes anyone build anything... potential host countries offer more than they can deliver for pride
I stopped going to large events/concerts... they seem to attract the worst people like a fluorescent light to bugs.
Yep, even if you have a full 18/20/40v set, something like this is handy to throw in the closet or car as a backup all in one
Yep, even if you have a full 18/20/40v set, something like this is handy to throw in the closet or car as a backup…
Destiny and Watch Dogs both made TONS of money thanks to hype.
Wheres the vid of the ride with Cid? you know for research
Naked Reedus in PSVR!
Im actually getting a lot of Metal Gear V vibes lol... must be the desert and white sand filter over everything.
I did the same thing but I find myself wishing all my PS4 exclusives were on PC... Multiplats are PC all the way. I got used to 1440p @ 144Hz
So its basically The Sims: Vault Edition
You guys need to spin off from the rest of the tabloid umbrella
I print about 100 pages a day using my Brother... its going on strong after 2 years. I only use 1st party cartridges though, I have had bad experiences with those cheap 3rd party ones on Amazon/ebay
I print about 100 pages a day using my Brother... its going on strong after 2 years. I only use 1st party cartridges…
Ahh Koreans....
Well you are projecting your personal use case onto everyone else. By your token, I have the same LG $300 front loader for over 5 years now with no problems... so using your logic I dont see a point in a top loader
Front loaders are better for your clothes... If you have mostly cotton or cheap jeans, then its makes no sense but some of use care about our fabrics