
Yeah im not downloading some executable from a Russian forum. Its like a hot prostitute from Thailand.

Don’t come crying if your GTI gets a recall down the line.

What an absolute POS of a company.

Looks straight outta Titanfall

Why would I do that and miss out on all the PS4 exclusives like Uncharted and Last of Us? All xbox one games will be playable on PC going forward.

Honestly no console including the Neo and Scorpio are going to do native 4K on AAA titles. They well all use a combination of upscaling and similar rendering techniques. A top of the line $600 GTX 1080 video card can’t even do 4K reliably on newer AAA titles, theres no way a $400 console is going to be able to.

Still 720p and still no wireless charging, but hey they have courage at least!

He lacked the courage.

Steve didn’t have courage

You would do it BF2 style: have a commander with overhead view and every else is FPS units

I would kill for Starcraft in first person... Siege Tank simulator ala Battlefield would be awesome.

Are the your greatest in the world at a particular sport/esport?

Its basically the case of a few bad apples (Keem, etc) ruining it for the rest of us. This is why we can’t have nice things.

4K players run over $300 easily with the popular ones going around $500

Its bland, but far from ugly... this is ugly:

I think 99% of people fall into category 2

I don’t understand why people with careers like this even bother to have children. You’re just wasting everyone’s time.

The PSP Go is one of the best hacked portables.. which I dont see why anyone who has one wouldnt hack.

Probably will require constant online checks

VR support?