I remember playing Outpost as a kid in the 90's.. it was terrible
I remember playing Outpost as a kid in the 90's.. it was terrible
Kind of looks like Noctropolis
Togusa and Batou should be switched
Wait someone really ported FF4 to TI-83? Im about to go hunting in my closet.
SHHHHHH!!! im trying to sell mine
Go non lethal on 1st playthough and lethal on NG+
What? Bastion is one of the hardest players to stay alive with right now. He has like a 1% chance of surviving against Genji/Hanzo.
Sounds like a fun game 3 months from now when its $30 and has most of the bugs patched.
He’s only really a threat in the hands of very high level players. I was in a match against a team who had THREE super annoying genjis and I switched to Bastion and took them all out... yes freaking Bastion. It was glorious.
Why would IOC immediately deny something like this which has multiple witnesses? protocol?
Hopefully it goes from a C+ game to at least a B game and not a D game to a C game
They need to be copmplex due to the collective power of the internet, a moderate challenge would be solved in 24hrs... at least this way, the “game” goes on a for a month or more and people can follow along.
Im 29 and do that with the wife...
Looks like he slapped together a Goal Zero Yeti with 2x Anker 6-port USB chargers.
Ill probably be waiting for that before jumping in... game doesnt seem finished from what ive seen
Its easier if you are good looking obviously... especially to cosplay good looking characters and actors.
Have you watched Olympic Air Pistol? If that’s a sport, then so is gaming.
This game gave me major nausea... I play tons of CS:Go, Overwatch, and Destiny... not sure what the problem is
ITT: How to be boring and not get invited to parties.
Its pointless since it would be detected as soon as you took it in for a scheduled maintenance. Remember, you can’t take your highly specialized tesla to Jiffy Lube... everything needs to be done by a factory shop.