Sunday Comics Edition
Sunday Comics Edition
Reminds me of the Mini Cooper S that my wife had for a while.. it was a cute car and kind of fun to drive but by god it was designed by a 12 year old art student... absolutely nothing made sense on that car from a human usability point of view
Everyone knows its a bluff.. USA isnt the bully who’s going to beat up the kid who provides lunch money and does the homework.
Are you new to online games?
Sometimes its for PR.... they get just enough exposure that they get hired onto other projects, etc.
I think you are being a bit of a apologist here... the game looks extremely bland with or without the metroid tie-in.
LOL if you think they care
My rearview camera has been more reliable than my mirror in pretty much every situation... mirrors and windows get dirty too ya know
I have a confession... i played a bunch of DayZ (the mod) back in the day and got pretty bored of it after a while and turned to trolling... I would sit on a perch with a scoped rifle and look for intermediate players (its not fun to troll newbies since they have nothing to lose) and shoot a leg or something so they…
Ill buy it during BF when its bundled with the base game and all DLC for $20... hopefully my backlog will be smaller by then but I doubt that
Ill buy it during BF when its bundled with the base game and all DLC for $20... hopefully my backlog will be smaller…
Those are some terrible jerseys.... they look like they are wearing polka dot boxers on the outside
Every time I want to fire up Destiny again, im reminded of the long mission transition scenes (your ship hovering in space) and I lose all willpower to sit through those again.
I honestly dont think he was 100% there... i feel that most QBs would have concussed out after being manhandled by Miller and Ware all day and Cam being 6'5" 250lbs allowed him to “play” out the game
His spidey sense told him he was about to be sandwiched by Miller and Ware for the 5th time that day... and told him NO
Youre looking at it from a simplistic point of view... NK is like the class clown who takes the attention away from the bully who’s taking kids lunch money in the back of the room.
Because San Francisco practically begged for the honor of hosting SB50 and promised to cover costs... not really NFL’s fault
As long as everyone and their mom wants to live in SF and continues to overpay for everything, nothing will change.
Well you have a bunch of drunk people being corralled by underpaid wannabe bouncers... what did they think was gonna happen.
I think the frame materials (high strength aluminum and carbon fiber) would act as shield to x-ray.. also it would be extremely costly to ship and setup an x-ray machine large enough to scan an entire bike frame at each race. It would make more sense to use some sort of electromagnetic wave detector and see if there…