I got 0 down 0% for 3 years... so yeah
I got 0 down 0% for 3 years... so yeah
The early model SSDs had corruption issues due to no power loss protection... anything made in 2016 or newer should have power loss protection now
The early model SSDs had corruption issues due to no power loss protection... anything made in 2016 or newer should…
This is like the 3rd 1TB SSD that hit $200 in the last year.... the others were the Crucial M500 refurb and the Sandisk Ultra 2... its not that crazy of a price anymore
This is like the 3rd 1TB SSD that hit $200 in the last year.... the others were the Crucial M500 refurb and the…
Titanfall 2 is already my most anticipated FPS of this year but I will gladly double dip MW1
Everyone remembers being duped by motion controller fad and it being a $10 on ebay paper weight now
I dunno, tilting a thumbstick is pretty simple too
Hacking on PC platform is the main reason I still have my PS4 for games like The Division and Dark Souls
I guess im out of touch at age 30 since I have never heard of these people... ignorance is bliss?
Im getting more of a Hinata (from Naruto) vibe than the Major
San Fran is easily the worst city
Im good with my Netflix/PlaystationVue combo
Nope it just works as you would expect (about 90% of the time)
I remote played just fine over the weekend on my vita tethered to a galaxy s6 on tmobile LTE.. it was a bit laggy but worked fine for slower games
I think id rather get a used NSX
Mustang drivers?
Its like preordering the Oculus Rift... put down $1k now, pay $35k in a couple of yeats and resell for 200% due to limited supply... if things look different you can just cancel your preorder
Probably around when FFV Part NEO Duo.5^2 comes out... so late 2018
Im guessing Naruto pops in as a boss to fight Sasuke?
The main reason they cast the big name actors is for marketing