I have a pretty beefy PC but I prefer to play most games on my PS4 just because of how dead simple it is to jump in and play especially for 3rd person action type games... however if the game has decent mod support, its PC all the way
I have a pretty beefy PC but I prefer to play most games on my PS4 just because of how dead simple it is to jump in and play especially for 3rd person action type games... however if the game has decent mod support, its PC all the way
FFTA is nowhere near the greatness of FFT... its a fun little game but its missing almost everything that made FFT great
Its not mutually exclusive... lots of people have both a gaming laptop and desktop. Yes, its a waste of money but so is pretty much every other hobby out there.
Everyones a critic.... its the easiest job in the world (just look at yelp)
Man now I want a a legit Total War Fallout game...
Sounds like par for the course for Nintendo
Looks like Last of Us gunplay with shitty Destiny like RPG mechanics
i can see these selling well if they came out for current games... ie some kid pays $20/mo to rent an AI for Street Fighter 5 etc...
That $50 budget tablet with the 2" bezels kind of ruins the feel of a $40-60k sedan
PXCL (PC Accelerator) was my favorite.
im guessing youve never been wasted drunk before
Then why do we have the IRS?
Is there a cheat for unlimited grappling hooks and boost etc? I just want to mess around in this game, the actual game part is super boring
Jesus, wonder how many watts that was pulling.... prob needs it own dedicated 20 amp breaker.
I think the problem is that most people only care for their alma mater.... i enjoy college football but im not going to go out of my way to catch the CFB playoffs if my team isnt in it. NFL/NBA are different because many people associate with more than one team and also theres fantasy that makes pro sports more…
You went from a bad answer to a worse one. FF6. 7. and 12 would like to have a word with you.
Usually its the employees themselves who return fake products... a rep in Customer Service will have his/her friend do the buying and returning. Many times, half the store is in on it along with the managers... I think Gizmodo did a story about an Apple store that did massive returns fraud.