
Women usually carry purses so honestly the size of the phone doesnt matter while its travelling as long as its comfortable to actually use when out... men have the bulge factor to worry about

Im guessing the drawback to this is that you have a limited spurt of acceleration before you hit a wall.. so you would recreate going 0-20 in a sports car but not say 0-60 since that takes about 5 seconds of acceleration

Blood and Oil looks like it will be a flop and Blindside is waaaaay overhyped along with Heroes

One post is about the horrible working conditions of minimum wage Amazon employees and another is about how to game the system so they make less money, nice...

One post is about the horrible working conditions of minimum wage Amazon employees and another is about how to game

id argue that more people would prefer the “shitty” econobox that actually runs well and has good gas mileage while the mercedes is sitting in a shop... if youre an enthusiast, thats obvious not applicable to the majority.

She also said “big and lanky” so you can throw out dudes like Korver and Martin

Just play Starcraft, it explains most of it

Youre just old... my dad said floppy disks and carburated engines were more satisfying as well

VW hopes it can pull an ARod instead of a Lance Armstrong.

The last 2 VWs (Gas Toureg and TDI Jetta) our family owned both had enough neccesary maintenance and repair costs that wiped any sort of value I would want from getting another VW. We recently got a CX-5 and its been running like a champ.

Can’t believe a laptop with a 720p TN display for nearly $1000 in 2015 can be considered a deal... that $50 Amazon tablet has a better screen

Can’t believe a laptop with a 720p TN display for nearly $1000 in 2015 can be considered a deal... that $50 Amazon

Mario: Shovelware edition

Anyone who has actually smoked weed will tell you that it does exactly the opposite of make you perform better

If you have ever tried this “feature” (many people with a DK2 or GearVR have been doing this already) you will know that the fidelity comes nowhere near the quality of even a budget 42” 1080p HDTV from 10 feet. Until VR headsets have 4k/8k resolution and 144Hz+ refresh, a normal HDTV will be superior for that kind of

Apple does the one perfect position, the other angles are inferior

It comes with an i5 or i7..... most tablets and laptops in this form factor come with the underpowered core-M while the ipad pro has a mobile SoC... dont know how you can call the Surface Pro underpowered...

So its basically like Shadow of Morder mixed with Rage but less bugs? Sign me up then

Don’t most pros (wedding photographers) use a larger mounted battery anyways?

So playing the Center would require you to do a timing mini game for each snap and then holding the stick in the direction of the defense.

GG Nintendo