
North’s sounds more natural and Dinklage sounds more robotic (which is the intended effect no?)

Its one of many.. I think the most famous being WarZ

And were you involved in any Chinese military actions mr expert?

Yeah that high end broadcasting gear is the 1%.... 99% is still made in China.. its a Chinese company

Deployed does not even mean real conflict.... most of them did not hear any gunfire or see any insurgents

OK now do it while beatboxing or something other useful with the face and Ill be impressed

The VAST MAJORITY of US armed forces do not and have not participated in any real conflict. My uncle joined the army as a field dentist for the free education and never fired a gun. Most guys I know in the army did it for the GI Bill or because they didnt want to goto college not. They went through basic, plinked

As far as im concerned both Sony and Apple are basically Chiniese companies now since 99% of everything they make in built in China

You just described 90% of the armed forces in any 1st or 2nd world country including the US

Ironically, the additional pollution caused by the manufacture and shipping of purification units probably negates any effect of using them.

Sounds like every country to me... hell look at California and the water restrictions

remember getting a TNT 2 (Diamond Viper V770) and boosted my FPS in Counsterstrike beta to 60fps @ 1024x768... was the most amazing thing ever

Playing smash online for the first time burned me out on it.... the competitiveness ruined all the fun of smash IMHO

Relax guys, its a just a leaked cutscene from a Chinese Call of Duty knockoff

Thats not how advertising budget works.. the money/resources are allocated ahead of time regardless of sales... they have stats guys who determinge that spending ABC on XYZ advertising will result in positive overall revenue regardless of whether X Y or Z is actually making money independently.

theyre not really being paid for the content but the audience... if you can provide 100 thousand clicks im sure they would pay you well too.

People are dumb

LOL the government already owns the house so its not up to him

You can nit pick about anything on any console... xbox one does not support bluetooth headsets or swapping the internal drive

Im guessing the people who actually want to buy this want to see how it looks undressed :o