
Conan comes off more as the slightly out of touch older grandpa who is still cool in a vintage way... Kimmel comes off as vince vaughn style DB who sounds like a drunk guy at the bar retelling jokes he heard from his frat boy days... Fallon tries too hard sometimes and you can tell he’s faking some things but he is

it looks like you can just get some foam or 3D printed mold to put a general $5 cree flashlight onto a $5 NATO strap and get similar results

then no one would buy GTA6

There are already tons of websites that do that much better with better budget and staff for that kind of thing... gizmodo (a blog) is for light analysis and impressions.

Rocket League is probably the best multiplayer game out right now.. it is reason alone to grab a PS4

The wide angle lens addon makes this seem more extreme than if he used a vanilla gopro

graphics like this in MK20? sign me up!

this kid needs minecraft

Bahaha I love it

we will see in a year or two.. but I think you are too quick to judge mr armchair analyst.

No it wont... this happens all the time in business. Lamborghini got bought by Volkswagen and is there any confusion what Lamborghini is? Google will be google

Well at the upper competitive level, you could say the same for ANY type of game... in an FPS like CS:GO there are certain spots on the map where pro players have the timing down to the secind where an enemy will appear, etc... same thing with fighting games, at the pro level you have guys trying to nail moves within

The problem is that the publishers are at the mercy of the stock shareholders (who ironically happen to be the customers as well)

As someone who works in the food industry, yelp is the same thing... both a blessing and curse

This is when I know im getting old... i would love to do quests all day when i was in college... now everything seems like a chore and I would rather watch netflix

Im happy with my $30 bill and 99% coverage where I live and travel.. sucks for you to pay more for the same thing and also deal with Verizon’s crappy practices and bloatware

at under $100 probably the panasonic flashxpress... anything unders $200 will probably be equally crappy, the panasonic is decent and is very reliable.

at under $100 probably the panasonic flashxpress... anything unders $200 will probably be equally crappy, the

They never said that, you are just being over sensitive to anything to puts Nintendo in a bad light

The point is to show Nintendo’s incompetence in certain tech areas.

You grind up the tiny meat worms and put it through the same strainer that ground beef comes in and it will look basically the same