VW hopes it can pull an ARod instead of a Lance Armstrong.
VW hopes it can pull an ARod instead of a Lance Armstrong.
The last 2 VWs (Gas Toureg and TDI Jetta) our family owned both had enough neccesary maintenance and repair costs that wiped any sort of value I would want from getting another VW. We recently got a CX-5 and its been running like a champ.
Can’t believe a laptop with a 720p TN display for nearly $1000 in 2015 can be considered a deal... that $50 Amazon tablet has a better screen
Can’t believe a laptop with a 720p TN display for nearly $1000 in 2015 can be considered a deal... that $50 Amazon…
Mario: Shovelware edition
Anyone who has actually smoked weed will tell you that it does exactly the opposite of make you perform better
So its basically like Shadow of Morder mixed with Rage but less bugs? Sign me up then
So playing the Center would require you to do a timing mini game for each snap and then holding the stick in the direction of the defense.
North’s sounds more natural and Dinklage sounds more robotic (which is the intended effect no?)
Its one of many.. I think the most famous being WarZ
remember getting a TNT 2 (Diamond Viper V770) and boosted my FPS in Counsterstrike beta to 60fps @ 1024x768... was the most amazing thing ever
Playing smash online for the first time burned me out on it.... the competitiveness ruined all the fun of smash IMHO
Relax guys, its a just a leaked cutscene from a Chinese Call of Duty knockoff
Thats not how advertising budget works.. the money/resources are allocated ahead of time regardless of sales... they have stats guys who determinge that spending ABC on XYZ advertising will result in positive overall revenue regardless of whether X Y or Z is actually making money independently.
theyre not really being paid for the content but the audience... if you can provide 100 thousand clicks im sure they would pay you well too.
Conan comes off more as the slightly out of touch older grandpa who is still cool in a vintage way... Kimmel comes off as vince vaughn style DB who sounds like a drunk guy at the bar retelling jokes he heard from his frat boy days... Fallon tries too hard sometimes and you can tell he’s faking some things but he is…
then no one would buy GTA6
Rocket League is probably the best multiplayer game out right now.. it is reason alone to grab a PS4
graphics like this in MK20? sign me up!
Well at the upper competitive level, you could say the same for ANY type of game... in an FPS like CS:GO there are certain spots on the map where pro players have the timing down to the secind where an enemy will appear, etc... same thing with fighting games, at the pro level you have guys trying to nail moves within…