The problem is that the publishers are at the mercy of the stock shareholders (who ironically happen to be the customers as well)
The problem is that the publishers are at the mercy of the stock shareholders (who ironically happen to be the customers as well)
As someone who works in the food industry, yelp is the same thing... both a blessing and curse
This is when I know im getting old... i would love to do quests all day when i was in college... now everything seems like a chore and I would rather watch netflix
at under $100 probably the panasonic flashxpress... anything unders $200 will probably be equally crappy, the panasonic is decent and is very reliable.
at under $100 probably the panasonic flashxpress... anything unders $200 will probably be equally crappy, the…
They never said that, you are just being over sensitive to anything to puts Nintendo in a bad light
The point is to show Nintendo’s incompetence in certain tech areas.
I would love to see virgin speedruns... ie experts playing a game for the first time and trying to speedrun it
i want to see a kotaku made tutorial to prove its source
CoD:MW made people want to join the army/etc for awhile
im going PC due to hardware incompatibilities with consoles (ie have to upgrade a $200 G25 to a G29 going from PS3/PS4, etc).. i want to continue using my DFGT wheel and its not compatible with PS4... similar problems in the Microsoft camp
Play this game with the Shaolin Soccer soundtrack on
youre confusing bandwidth and latency.. they are 2 different things
In the long run... its better for an online type game to have as much userbase as possible... it will get better once the initial charm wears off for people who have backlogs of other games
I honestly think this game beats Super Smash Brothers for easily accesible same room fun. Anyone can pick up this game in 5 minutes and have fun while I have seen people get bored of SSBU if they dont grasp the mechanics in the first 30 minutes.
i was about to start the thorn quest... this saves me time since its not worth it anymore
Im gonna wait for the GOTY edition with all DLC for $20 during a Steam sale. No point in adding to the backlog
Yeah sounds like you are part of that small group that this deal doesnt really help... I have W3 on PC but I opted for the PS4 version of AK cause of all the PC issues on that title
Yeah sounds like you are part of that small group that this deal doesnt really help... I have W3 on PC but I opted…
TLou is like $20 now.... this is a much better deal, both AK and Witcher3 are new AAA games that should fetch $40 ea. and the PS+ gives you another 2 free games this month one of which is a GOTY contender (Rocket League)
TLou is like $20 now.... this is a much better deal, both AK and Witcher3 are new AAA games that should fetch $40…
I still think Caim fron Drakengard 1 is the most evil protagonist you get to play as. At least Kratos is killing “Gods” who might have wronged him. Caim slaughters innocent people left and right our of pure bloodlust.