Im personally against the dumbing down (consolization) of PC games.... i actually like the pages of menus, etc.... but I know I am obviously in the minority since we live in the age of iOS now.
Im personally against the dumbing down (consolization) of PC games.... i actually like the pages of menus, etc.... but I know I am obviously in the minority since we live in the age of iOS now.
I can’t see many people being able to replace iwata as nintendo’s head.. similar to apple after jobs left
this post in hindsight... man
Im not a comic buff but how does Batman have a snowflake in hell’s chance of fighting Superman? Even if he had Iron Man’s suit with Kryptonite plating, Superman can literally teleport and shoot lasers out of his eyes.
Seems like a missed opportunity to use the newer PCIE based SSDs like the Samsung X941 which get over 1GB/s
They need to go software only... a new 2D mario on vita would be insane or mario galaxy 3 on ps4/x1 with anti aliasing and morpheus/oculus support
He works harder making those videos than some senior level employees at large corporations twiddling their thumbs on outlook making 6 figures
“Mr PhD” calling me the asshole? All im saying is that if you read the manual, it clearly states multiple maintenance procedures besides just a simple “dump in the dustbin”. Youre like the guy who never changes the oil in his car and calls the mechanic an asshole because the mechanic told him that a car requires more…
“Mr PhD” calling me the asshole? All im saying is that if you read the manual, it clearly states multiple…
i dont think im different than any other roomba owner who takes care of their stuff.. you sound like someone who has owned a roomba for a month and is making assumptions about its long term ownership
i dont think im different than any other roomba owner who takes care of their stuff.. you sound like someone who has…
as someone who owns 3 roombas for 2 years now... its never THAT easy. at least every other cleaning requires me to bring a scissor to cut out some hair from the brush or blow out the air filter cartridge.... if all you do is empty the dustbin, you are not doing proper maintenance
as someone who owns 3 roombas for 2 years now... its never THAT easy. at least every other cleaning requires me to…
the problem is, instead of vacuuming the floor, now you need to waste time cleaning the roomba
the problem is, instead of vacuuming the floor, now you need to waste time cleaning the roomba
vita 2000, yes with any microUSB cable.... vita 1000, yes as long as you use the supplied cable with a $5 adapter (google PISEN)
vita 2000, yes with any microUSB cable.... vita 1000, yes as long as you use the supplied cable with a $5 adapter…
Yes different people have different opinions. However, its hard to take any advice seriously from a site who shoots completely contradicting advice over and over.
Yes different people have different opinions. However, its hard to take any advice seriously from a site who shoots…
Didnt you guys tell us not to buy pre-orders?
Didnt you guys tell us not to buy pre-orders?
once we get to a future like in Ghost in the Shell, we will all have eye implants that give us hololens-like interfaces in our native vision... the problem is when your eyes get hacked.. someone else can control your acid trip
hes the first to do “this”... what about other items?
Wow you have no understanding of how any of this works do you
Im playing Witcher 3 on my PC and BatmanAK on my PS4.... dual citizenship FTW!
its still a solid/fun game and thats why bungie can and will get away with this... same thing with apple products