
probably because we gave them the authority to (voted)?

im 35 and i already feel outdated

the plastic kind?

how playable is this on a baytrail tablet using only touch input?

damn, the future is awesome... hope all this stuff comes true before im too old to care

I have a Black Friday Destiny/White PS4 bundle still unopened in the closet (got it because it was a crazy deal during BF and I really wanted the white one before it became hard to find). I just dont have time to play it between my current Steam and 3DS backlogs... sigh

The art is lovely but it looks half assed to me (like the NES edition XL). Everything from the bi tone plastic to how the border-art looks like it was meant for the regular sized 3DS

you can easily get a used mint condition vita with 8gb card for $100 if you look around... just the screen update helps with making PSP games look better and the 2nd analog stick can be programmed to camera control in many games

they gotta do something about that grille though.,

looks more fun than a slot machine

sometimes i wonder if humans are really smarter than apes

if you are an amazon prime subscriber, it includes an additional 1 year ($99 value) so it makes the phone only $79 which is a frakin steal for the specs... for straight $180 i dont think its worth it

if you are an amazon prime subscriber, it includes an additional 1 year ($99 value) so it makes the phone only $79

is there a download/demo for this? I have the Dk2 and VR Gear and want to show my wife lol

i only use paypal for online purchases, im safe right?

and that is why blogging is not for you

hunting for drivers pre-internet was not fun at all... i remember buying microsoft office back in the 90's and it came on 10 floppy disks or so and halfway through the install (disk 7 of 10) i get a disk read error... had to wait a week for microsoft to ship me a new disk #7.. only to find out that disk #9 was

im usually in tinycam pro checking up on my foscams ip cameras... but i guess its different for someone who is remotely managing multiple businesses

as someone who owns both the Oculus DK2 (1080p) and the GearVR (1440p), i cant imagine how terrible the pixelation would be on the vita (540p?)

"And it's even more unbelievable that we haven't been able to top that 51 years later"

he needs to wear a "i never asked for this" shirt