
please name one gaming company who doesnt do this? nintendo sells $50 nunchucks and $150 replacement gamepad. microsoft requires you to use their proprietary HDD upgrades that have similar margins. dont cherry pick one instance where sony price gouges when in fact EVERY corporation does it at some level.

well someone is a grinch this christmas... you are naive if you think there is ANY corporation out there that isnt putting profits first. you just seem to cherry pick certain instances when sony does it for the vita cards. instead of worrying about what X company is doing, you should just buy something if it gives you

thats honestly not a great strategy... its like saying you wont buy a nice $30k car on sale for $20k because it requires a $5k "import charge"... yeah its BS but you are still getting a heck of a deal in the overall scope and your "principles" are preventing you from enjoying whatever games and experiences you may

looks like someone gets offended easily on the internet

looks like an NSX year test is in order

i feel the opposite, i think theres too many bland rounded designs like the nexus6 and motox. i like the utilitarian and squared off edges of the LG G2 and Sony Xperias

oh i didnt think it was terrible by any means... the cinematography and fan service alone was worth a ticket. the problem is that it is nowhere near scott's usual standards of movie excellence so in relation, a lot of fans were let down

i lost faith in scott after prometheus

i dont think you understand... we are talking about VR applications here, the LCD display on the one+ will not cut it due to its low refresh rate and lack of low persistence. it doesnt matter how many megahurtz, gigabytes it has or how cheap it is.

its marketed towards developers, same as the oculus DK2...

it wont be anywhere near as good as with the note4 for VR... one of the main reasons oculus went with samsung panels is their OLED technology which has low persistence... even the fastest 120Hz LCD panels cant compete

this and photos of "deans blue hole" give me insta-NOPE!

Oculus is superior IMHO because of the native 3D effect at the cost of pixel density

man this is the kind of stuff i was hoping for when bungie announced destiny: epic storyline with visions of grandeur.... instead we got the lame borderlands-MMORPG mashup underneath a sci-fi skin

vita... probably the best handheld hardware we have even seen and terrible software support

i find people who have both an iphone and an ipad to be redundant... same with people who have more than one TV in the house.. im sure you have a ton of stuff in your house that is redundant and honestly pointless but no one cares what you buy with your money

i find people who have both an iphone and an ipad to be redundant... same with people who have more than one TV in

calling people with disposable income idiots is a sign of jealousy... i dont have the money to afford a 4k monitor but if i had 1k laying around I would get one, regardless of how pointless it is... same thing with fine art or a sports car.

calling people with disposable income idiots is a sign of jealousy... i dont have the money to afford a 4k monitor

yeah good luck with that... those specs will hit 800 probably sometime mid 2015

yeah good luck with that... those specs will hit 800 probably sometime mid 2015

TN panel is a downgrade regardless of resolution

TN panel is a downgrade regardless of resolution

i just noticed that serenity looks like the ship from battletoads