John Wick's Puppy's CGI Poop

Hmm, yes?

I like how you are shocked, but he actually uses one in the comics this movie is based on.

This might be news, or shocking to you, but artists are *often* represented by labels! Wow, who would have thought?

Portishead are touring and working on a new album. And it's their music, it's their right to get payed fairly for it. Doesn't matter how old it is.

It's a modulator, so people won't recognize his voice and discover he is Bruce Wayne.

I guess, I mean everything is just pointless and OK

Eh, I don't agree with you at all. Batman Begins' Gotham is very noirish and almost unrecognizable as a real world location. TDK and TDKR lost that, but just because they become more recognizable approaching the real world (or Chicago that is) doesn't mean that Gotham was meant to be a city in reality, you can see by

Goyer was canned. The guy who wrote Argo was brought in to rearrange his script, and WB liked the script so much they offered him Justice League part 1 and 2.

I'm well aware of Nolan's problems and weaknesses, I still kind of enjoy his movies, even if I agree with lots of criticism against them. I still think that most recently the internet (not in the more general sites) is more and more cynical against him and way more harsh than what he warrants.
In this thread you see

Not at all. Batman's Gotham does not resemble reality at all. It's a fantastical, dark, noir-ish world. It doesn't in anyway try to say it's in a real world. All you can do is extrapolate, as you do with sci-fi: good sci-fi paints real, human stories and concepts in a fantastical world.

Dude, just no. Winter Soldier's plot does not represent at all what a political thriller is. You can say it's a lot of things, but it is not a political thriller.

You might be right about TDKR, but I didn't mind it. Still the point I'm trying to say, and you actually defend it with what you wrote about TDK, is you can't dismiss Batman or Nolan's Trilogy (okay or at least TDK if you really hate TDKR) because they are serious. While saying Marvel's way, is the way to go. Also,

I didn't. You're confusing me with somebody else. I praised the Dark Knight a few posts up.

Not even the majority. Marvel's had lots of movies you know? Captain America 1, Iron Man 2 and 3, Thor 1 and 2, had okay to bad reviews by critics. Avengers and Cap 2 had Okay to good reviews. And Iron Man had good to great reviews. I'm not turning this into a anti-Marvel thread, but people bashing DC because of their

"Because its central premise is about a man in a giant rubber bat suit punching people"

Really all? The only ones that received above average reviews were Guardians, Cap 2 and Iron Man. The other ones had pretty mixed reviews. The Dark Knight still holds as the standard of superhero movies, you can see its influence in a lot of reviews.

Yeah your snarky reply doesn't make your statement legitimate. How can you say that you can't take Nolan's Batman seriously? For personal reasons you might not, but the truth is that the TDK triology was very well received and people took it seriously.

Winter Soldier? So are you one of those who think that Winter Soldier is a Political Thriller?

Okay thank your for giving your opinion in a polite and intelligent way. One more thing going for BvS is that the screenwriter changed from Goyer to Chris Terrio. Lets see. I'll be hoping for a good and interesting movie, I don't hate Syder's stuff that much (I liked Watchmen and the other stuff I seen was Okay,

Maybe so, but I think that made this BvS dynamic possible. They are two heros who want to bring good to the world but do not trust each other. This creates a kind of tension that does not exist in other superhero movie in the last decades. It is something new and I'm very curious for how it's going to go down. In the