John Wick's Puppy's CGI Poop

Sure, I respect your opinion! But I actually already know how every Marvel movie is going to be, because all of them are the same. But I have no idea how BvS is going to be, so I'm at least curious.

I see, but the questions he poses about Superman aren't realistic or at least minimally valid? You have a god-like human being that arrives from nowhere. Would you not see him as threat first? In this day and age? I think the end game is that Superman will bring hope, but for that he has to get humanity's trust.

Do you really think a "Batman vs Superman" movie is going to bomb? Not even remotely. MoS had a great Boxoffice and a A- cinemscore, so the audience did like the film? The internet is really cynical about this movie, but I doubt the general audience is.

Not at all, but when we are talking about popularity and "movies fucking", boxoffice numbers are kind of relevant.

I guess you are right. Just checked its cinemascore and it had an 'A-', although I'm not sure how well that represents the audience (never read about it). I think that comicbook movies with a darker tone are much easier of a target because of the 'but FUN!?' argument. Well, without trying to bash Marvel (I don't want

Yeah I'm not a Comicbook expert but from what I've read there are some dark Superman stories that are good? So it's not that strange for this approach?

Saw it, thought it was okay. I liked it better than most Marvel Movies actually, which for some reason are pretty boring to me, except Guardians.

Sure I'll give you Daredevil, which I really loved.

No, I'm Michael Bay.

Real question: Why do people like Daredevil and TDK (or is that not liked anymore?) and don't like the "grimdark" of this trailer?
"Oh I've just seen a bootleg of a 2 minute trailer for a movie - IT'S SO BAD snark snark snark"

MoS did more than Captain America 2 in the good old US of A.

Man of Steel did NOT have an anemic box office. Domesticaly it did more than Captain America: The Winter Soldier. And worldwide made 668M. Stop spreading that wrong idea that every MoS hater seems to like to propagate. It did pretty good.