
I would really prefer you referred to her as Queen of the Assholes, not Queen of Canada.

How to Not Die in America

On the second Tuesday in June, I start to feel fluish. If this is 2016 and I’m still a freelance writer, I’m losing

He’s pretty much the devil. I like him in that he unites everyone under a common banner of “If this guy died, no one would shed a tear/I’d piss on his grave,” beyond that....well....he sure does style his hair after evil peter parker in spider man 3. I guess he has that going for him?

Calculus this bitch and solve for T’(x) = 0, plug that x into T(x) to verify.

That guy in the fog is a JEDI. Or insane. The second video is interesting, but I can accept it as possible. That guy in the fog though is performing pure magic. I can just barely believe it!

A lot of professional scuba divers know how to do these, myself included.

The average person spends 8 frustrating minutes trying to navigate a porn website on a tiny smartphone screen, before giving up and just fantasizing about their coworkers instead, regardless of which browser they use.

I'm probably one of thousands who thought of this.

Thread. Over. Nothing more needs to be said.

Oh Freud! You must be gyrating in your grave.

In fairness, Google plays this game too. And they should! It makes good business sense. But man, how frustrating to be a dev and make a good thing and have one of the big guys come gunning for you. It's a wonder everyone doesn't just sell out before they get pushed out.

At my previous job, the building was wired with Ethernet jacks all over the place. The only problem was, to get on the network, you had to use an "approved" computer and allow IT to manage it. We had a ton of research instruments that we wanted to network so we could store their data centrally, but the machines

Dreamchaser is scheduled for an UNMANNED test flight in 2016, taking off from and landing at KSC.


Blue is porn, right?