
Mind you, this can also happen in planes (commercial, charter or private), but obviously not as fast.

Oh, and to be clear, I'm not condemning or diminishing those who fell bad about their body. If you think your concerns for your weight or food intake has become an obsession and is impairing your life or your happiness, then please seek counselling or tell your doctor about it, because you may not realize it but

I don't normally read much or comment on Jezebel (hello everyone!), but seeing the picture and caption from another Gawker site I just could not pass.

Cross that "Dental primer" thing. "Primer on Dentistry"; no, better yet, "Primer on tooth decay" would be more correct (since I'm not talking about primers used for bonding at all).

Calcium, phosphorous and vitamins A, D & K (as far as teeth are concerned) are only useful as you mature, when your primary and then your permanent dentition forms. Once all your permanent teeth have erupted, they stop playing any role (so any deficiency won't make any difference).

Sorry, but I really find the source (and story) a bit dubious.

For around 40 USD, you still can find and buy a brand new Intel 386DX chip (running @ either 25 or 33MHz, most in a QFP packaging for the embedded market, but also in a PGA package), though you have to be careful not to get a fake one.

Concerning Zip disks, you can still buy brand new Zip drives as well !! Well, at least you could up to 3 months ago (cannot check now if it's still possible).

"And how to victims of spinal cord injuries [..]" -> And how *do* [...]

Actually, the gun is only internal on the F-35A. The two other variants, including the carrier-borne one, will carry it in the pod (which was also designed to carry other types of equipment when the gun is not needed; the versatility it brings to the F-35B & F-35C is actually a feature). It's been in the specs since

It's all about expectations. And the build up. Well, I think there are different reasons & usage for sexting. Teens (or others) might do it for kicks, or to grabs someone's attention in an unmistakable way. But I think the article is about sexting the healthy way, i.e. for couples & sexual partners. Sort of like

What, you're around here and you don't even know the famous Sam Biddle?!?

Don't worry, you'll still be remembering UNCLE. Just because you don't want to. But you will.

Oh, so we can do that with watermelons too??

Add Montreal to the list... For the bridge of Highway 13, between Montreal and Laval (sorry, can't seem to find pictures)

I know what's wrong: they all use the same toxic shaving cream!!

And, then, what about the ground crew?

Yéé! Little street view guy found his way out!

Except if you're after a ThinkPad.