The only good voting scheme is to pick your alma mater and the first team you see that you thought was an FCS team
The only good voting scheme is to pick your alma mater and the first team you see that you thought was an FCS team
I think one thing you’re underestimating here is the importance of the team a superstar is on. Michael Jordan never won a ring without Pippen, who, by BPM, was as good as Kevin Durant. Kareem got his first ring at age 23 with Oscar Robertson and didn’t get another for another 9 years, despite being undoubtedly the…
In a real street fight one of the boxer’s friends would smack the MMA guy from behind with a baseball bat while he attempted an inverted triangle choke. MMA and boxing are both sports, not actual fights.
I thought I’d be madder about this list but the only bad inclusions are Characters and Metal Machine Music
I don’t think Kyrie’s issue has anything to do with jersey sales, usage percentage, or field goal attempts per game. Kyrie’s not going to escape LeBron’s shadow for as long as they play together; even after Kyrie played out of his mind in the 2016 Finals, the story was about LeBron. He wants to have his own team.
He’s trying to throw of us the trail on whether he can dunk or not with some reverse psychology. Very sly maneuver.
Why are you so afraid to level blame? The current crop of leaders in charge of the DNC fucked up the 2000, 2004, and 2016 election, and if they had their druthers they would have fucked up the 2008 election too. They’re the same people who didn’t put their nominee in the Supreme Court when they had a Senate majority.…
People don’t think “e-sports” are sports because all sports require significant athletic ability whereas playing video games do not. There are many competitions which “require real skill” and have “an undeniable audience” which are absolutely not sports (chess, poker) because they don’t have an athletic dimension. I…
Guys I’m starting to think having an NBA team in the US’s 31st largest state that is only 1% black might be a bad idea
RPM has him pegged as the fifth best PG in the league and tenth best player overall. If anything hes highly underrated. He could really make an impact somewhere like Minnesota, and it’s a shame seeing him play second fiddle while his prime is rapidly fading.
DeRozan is infinitely worse
He’s probably the most underrated player in the league. He’s an elite point guard but he’s chained his career to a playoff anchor so he’ll never get any respect.
Chris Paul is one of the best players in the NBA. Taking him off any team is going to make them worse. I’d be surprised if they break 40.
There’s no way he was the best. Fewer people box now than in the early 20th century, and Mayweather carefully managed his career to avoid fighting anyone who would be an actual challenge so he could have a totally meaningless unbeaten record and command huge paychecks.
Tom call me crazy but I personally believe that exchanging a decent starter and a nice bench piece for one of the best players in the league will tend to make a team better.
The silver lining is all the geriatric players reliving their glory days should be injured in about a week, leaving only the cool scrappy young guys
The Cavs were also buoyed by freakish shooting, their points per possession went up from 1.109 to 1.181. I actually got it confused, their defensive efficiency mark was virtually the same in the regular season vs. playoffs. Point being: unless they make some huge moves, the 2017-18 Cavaliers aren’t going to be an…
LeBron is 33. He has more than 50,000 minutes on him, more than any other active player. There’s going to be a day, probably sooner rather than later, where he loses a step and he’s no longer a guaranteed ticket to the Finals.
The Cavs only got 51 wins last year, and only looked so good in the playoffs because of uncharacteristically stiff defense that reverted disastrously back to its true level in the finals. LeBron winning the East is absolutely not a forgone conclusion, especially when LeBron is 33 and will have more NBA minutes on him…