
I ripped the piss out of my buddy’s 340i manual for a good test drive and though the acceleration from 100-120mph was quicker than my STI, it wasn’t nearly as much fun

the future is self driving cars

so why does the Cayman still come in manual then genius? 


I love your name! 

what about the S-Class? 

why not a manual? 

1) You’re joking right?

including Tokyo Drift and the lead actor’s HORRIBLE performance? “What does DK stand for donkey kong?” wtf?! That said, I liked the movie otherwise and the drifting scenes were beautiful 

agreed! I recently test rode a Fat Boy, a Fat Bob, and an FXDR and they were fun to ride in that you really felt like you were RIDING it, as opposed to the litrebikes I’ve ridden on the street that feel boring, because one isn’t even close to their potential by riding them on the street in traffic.

I never see dentists on Harlies - its always blue collar types who have a bit of money (read: are leveraged up the wazoo). Which is fine, but just wanted to point out my anecdata

Are you from 1977? Why the ableist use of the r-word? 

why do you dislike Drake? Or is it just his antics this series?

why are you correcting grammar on an American car site? For a connoisseur of fine writing such as yourself, no less than Pistonheads will do good sir! (Seriously though its great, and the commenters are even better - so erudite and articulate)

99.9999% of people drive “slow” in the HOV lane - deal with it, its NOT a big deal. 

You don’t feel sympathy for the plight of the Corolla, who is likely some grandma who is just in that lane. What the fuck is wrong with you? And I say that as a motorcyclist who illegally filters at red lights to get to the front of the queue because I’m impatient

How are both in the wrong ?

How does someone whose VERY NAME is “Left lane for passing” get it SO FUCKING WRONG?! You don’t get out the way ONLY if you have a faster car behind you, but AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, you ABSOLUTE numpty! I’ll do 100 mph in the rightmost lane, because you’re supposed to drive in the righthand lane, and move middle and then

Im curious as to why it MATTERS what the murder rate is, to gun enthusiasts. I drive a Subaru WRX STI, and I sure as shit dont give a fuck if my car has a higher accident rate, or if its used a lot in robberies or whatever. I’m a responsible Subaru owner and I love it and what other people do is none of my concern.

LOL Please use better examples. Is Australia a police state because certain guns were confiscated?