Thank you for NOT making this a slide show!
Thank you for NOT making this a slide show!
One of my proudest moments was walking through Amsterdam and having a guy come up to me and ask me for directions in Dutch. The best part was that since I’ve been to Amsterdam multiple times, I was able to still point him in the right direction.
Granted, not the US (and fictional), but I always appreciated this scene from Mr. Inbetween.
If you are going somewhere tropical or with a pool you intend to use, make sure you pack something to swim in. That way when you arrive at your hotel you dont have to dig through your bag before you check your bag at the front desk until your room is ready.
Not only a shirt, but also socks, underwear, and whatever pants/shorts/bottoms you can roll up into the smallest volume, so you’ll have one other set of clothes when the airline loses all of your checked luggage.
A pen, and a backup pen, and a backup to the backup.
“current biological father” How does that work? Did you have a previous biological father? ;-)
The worst thing I ever did was when my kids were 3 and 4. If they didn’t want to do something I wanted them to do, like go to bed, I’d say, well, why don’t we just flip a coin. Heads I win, tails you lose. That worked well for a few months, but when they finally caught on, they were really pissed.
I was just planning on telling them that I had been selected previously and that experience had taught me that people are too fucking stupid to be jurors.
Yes... you live in banana heaven.
Fun fact: "Monkeys Eat Peeled Bananas" is how I remembered my covalent bonds in chemistry class: meth, eth, prop, and but!
It’s not perfect, but since this is inspired by The Matrix Revolutions (which I quite liked), I feel like I have to mention Keanu’s other recent long awaited sequel, Bill & Ted Face the Music - released in 2020, 29 years after the most recent film (Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey) and 31 years after the original (Bill &…
I want to
came here to say more of less the same. you’re gonna give them false hopes and further fuck with their feelings. worst “lifehack” ever.
5. Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)
This. Fading out is the generation of troubleshooters. The yoots growing up these days are firmly in the “It doesn’t work throw it out and buy a new one” generation.
I worked at a Fortune 50 manufacturing company and it was “a pitch.”
All of this to me seems to be someone who is convinced that being youth is intrinsically better than age, and that everyone who is old somehow wants to hide it and appear young.
If you don’t know how to convert a Word file to PDF, how to make a bar graph in Excel, or how to copy paste without using the Edit menu, are you on any nursing home waiting lists yet? The good ones can take years to get into.