Jake Gittes

Thank you for NOT making this a slide show! 

One of my proudest moments was walking through Amsterdam and having a guy come up to me and ask me for directions in Dutch. The best part was that since I’ve been to Amsterdam multiple times, I was able to still point him in the right direction.

Now playing

Granted, not the US (and fictional), but I always appreciated this scene from Mr. Inbetween.

If you are going somewhere tropical or with a pool you intend to use, make sure you pack something to swim in.  That way when you arrive at your hotel you dont have to dig through your bag before you check your bag at the front desk until your room is ready.

Not only a shirt, but also socks, underwear, and whatever pants/shorts/bottoms you can roll up into the smallest volume, so you’ll have one other set of clothes when the airline loses all of your checked luggage.

On behalf of all Kinja, let me thank you for not putting this in a slideshow or a video.

A pen, and a backup pen, and a backup to the backup.

The whole point of the article is that climate change is causing the mummies that have either been left alone, or deliberately reburied, to deteriorate.

current biological father” How does that work? Did you have a previous biological father? ;-)

The worst thing I ever did was when my kids were 3 and 4. If they didn’t want to do something I wanted them to do, like go to bed, I’d say, well, why don’t we just flip a coin. Heads I win, tails you lose. That worked well for a few months, but when they finally caught on, they were really pissed.

Now playing

so is there a version that plays this while going up?

And that’s only on a 15 degrees slope which means about 260 vertical feet. 520 feet is not much battery life.

Hopefully it has some sort of deadman's switch so when you inevitably fall on the way back up, it doesn't just wave goodbye to you as it ascends the rope alone!

Better have replaceable batteries. I use at least 10 charges worth of vertical in a couple hours at a ski resort. Backcountry is of course a whole other thing, but if it’s got 1000ft of cord and for a kitted up average male can barely manage 2000ft of power, that’s only two runs before you’re hiking again. Not

The problem with people like Rogan is, they say ridiculous shit, you call them on their ridiculous shit by pointing out that what they’re saying is ridiculous shit, and they accuse you of not wanting to have a “serious” discussion and hear “both sides.” This is a multi-billion-dollar industry, and it will be the end

Reading Peterson’s words, I wasn’t entirely sure I wasn’t reading the transcripts of a Trump speech.

Both of these men are profoundly, disturbingly stupid.

This is why:

You’re progressive in one way, but then you’re still making that fucking backward story about seven dwarfs living in a cave together.