
Coger is slang for fuck in Latin America, not Spain. Cogido in this context means gored, caught, grabbed.

Indeed ... that was a fucking for the ages.


Speaking of a "special form of loser", looks like you got banned again.

Please ... PLEASE make this stop. Does it need to spread to every article posted? Enjoy it with your kids - or grandkids. But don't make the rest of us suffer for your immature overindulgence.


The Cardinals lost today ...

Joe Germaine ... the heart of an assassin, the body of the neighborhood paperboy.

All the talent in the world, and ... I'm tempted to point out what might have been, but the dude did win two majors with a minimum of effort and interest.

Isn't this a typical NASCAR Sunday, somewhere?

Well ... good thing these "sportsmen" were able to kill this fish before it could populate the gene pool further. Fuck the record.

What happened to all those hilarious US Open posts? Did Burnenko's mom eat them?

Bishop now day-to-day ... good news for the Bolts. Now if they can just get Stamkos back. Would not mind a TB/STL final - a TB win makes the traditionalist's heads explode, and the Blues fans are due some good karma after thirty years and losing the Rams.

"Drunk, fat and hangin' with the lager louts is no way to go through life, son."

Damn! That other dude was right; you ARE a Betty Touretty! Make some sense out of that jumble, and I'll respond.


You tell 'em, Betty Touretty ...

This ass-maggot is a mouth-breathing Trump type - she's not worth the effort.

Hawks out - good. Wings out - better. Pens still in - shit.

Where's DeMuro at? He usually eats these things ...