Ol' Pencie as a bend-over bitch? Lucky for him, I've seen Trump's little hands - he'll probably hardly feel anything ...
Ol' Pencie as a bend-over bitch? Lucky for him, I've seen Trump's little hands - he'll probably hardly feel anything ...
God, but this guy is a festering little ass pimple.
... and look at Pence in that pic. What the obedient supplicant he makes, as he gazes up at Donald J Trump with a mixture of wonderment and awe. He and Christie have publically neutered themselves over Donald J Trump. A couple of eunuchs.
Holy Christ but look at Donald J Trump's profile. What a bloated bag of spoiled pimento loaf he is.
I fully expect to be living in Trumperica within five years of Donald J Trump's election. "Melanka will be the best first lady ever, okay? The best. Totally classy. A classy broad".
Could this be America's first all-orange ticket?
Pokémon is real.
This looks interesting ... nope. Gonna take a nap, instead.
I've come to the conclusion that li'l Rickie Fowler is the Anna Kournikova of golf.
So ... how does this shit work? Are these things prepositioned? Meaning, if I go walking thru my neighborhood and encounter one at a specific location, is that it? Or do more appear in the same area later?
Would have to be a short iron.
Will be interesting to read how the intelligentsia portray this. Reactions seem to depend on the perpetrator.
* bie
I've seen Donald J Trump. He's a shrimp-fingered vulgarian. If anything, that 'T' is entirely out of proportion. Perhaps a 't' would be more accurate ...
Is it just me, or does Pence look like some kind of marsupial, with those little beady eyes and blank expression? And is he somehow more orange than Angry Orange? Is this America's first all-orange ticket?
... and this mud-brained meathead represents the wheelhouse of Donald J Trump's constituency ...
God damned if I don’t love me some Masters and the Open. Fuck the rest. And donkey-fuck NASCAR. And soccer ("football", futbol, ...).
Hey - it cranked my carrot.
Hey - it cranked my carrot.
+ 9 over par
Deadspin: "Worst Concept EVA: '500 Days of Somesuch'"