SciFi Fantasy Horror or Death

My mother in law wasn’t SO bad, but she could be a handful, and it was to everyone, not just to me. When all of us used to live in the same apartment building, my friend the apartment manager, who was this wise old Irish Catholic working class New Jersey dame who took no shit from anyone, would see my frustration with

That sounds exactly like how my mother and m-i-l got along. My parents went to visit her and her husband (my step-grandfather, I guess would be the correct term) and she needed help going to the bathroom. When my mother told me this, she couldn’t help but notice the look of ...the fuck?!... I was giving her.

What’s the difference between in laws and outlaws ?

Okay, have you ever had a kid? I’ve never met a 2-year-old amidst potty training who has not taken an unauthorized shit on something.

OMG YASS! Is it too late to give Claire a rival over achieving big sister?!

Just be yourself and wear a light facade of politeness. This is your SO’s problem.

I have this MIL. You can’t win. Accept what you cannot control. Minimize contact as much as possible.

I wish I had some good advice for you, but I don’t. I could tell my mother-in-law was crazy from the jump, but I always treated her kindly. She ended up going ballistic on me one day anyway, and went ballistic on my husband when he defended me. She hasn’t spoken to us since it happened, even after our baby was born 6

I was knocked-up, married, divorced, and shacked-up (in that order!) by 28.

Oh my god Abbi is right. 28?! Holy fuck. I didn’t realize that was the age of desperation.

The scene in the book (not to be that person) is even worse and coupled with that image ahhhhh

This is obviously affecting his work life if he’s “nipping” at people’s shirts. It seems pretty degrading to compare this to gay people’s situation. Gay people don’t use their sexual orientation to play it out in the workplace -or they shouldn’t anyway. A gay person couldn’t use their sexual preferances to get away

In 50 years we’ll all be living as human puppies inside of an autonomous car.

legit scared the shit out of my ex, he would have nightmares about this split second scene. It’s always made me extra uncomfortable, in a different way than the rest of the scary shit in tha tmovie.

Oh man, I can’t believe it took this long for this to surface!

This image always bothered me. Like, a lot.


As long as they’re taking their heartworm medication and manage to puke on the hard floors and not the carpet, good for them.

I was thinking Stephen Avery and Grumpy Cat plus a lot of pregnant drinking.

It’s like he’s a bad person and his eyes are trying to get away.