SciFi Fantasy Horror or Death

After my now-husband proposed to me, I stumbled upon an email from his mom (he asked me to send a document from his PC and the email was open when I turned the screen on and I couldn’t help myself even though I hate snooping to my core). Anyway, it was basically a list of reasons he shouldn’t marry me, stuff like “she

She looks like she took a body language class from Claire from House of Cards and I love it.

YES. They pinch a headache nerve for me. I have an Adidas bra that is normal shaped but it does not offer the support I need.

I remember watching a CBC program about this years ago (Fifth Estate maybe?), and one of the lead detectives talked about looking into all the vehicles in BC and Washington state that had had the handles removed from the inside of doors, and there was some incredible amount of men they investigated who were cleared -

Once I accidentally got chilli in my eyes, long story but I was in the car with my mom. I was 12 and in the most awkward phase of my life, ever, and prone to ridiculous, accidental self injury. Anyway, my eyes started to swell shut and I was in a good amount of pain so my mom stopped at a gas station so I could rinse

My 5 year old son watches this terrible made-for-TV movie called Dinotopia over and over again, and it stars a “young” Wentworth BUT HE LOOKS THE SAME AGE IN THAT ONE TOO even though he must be like 18 - WTF!!!

I never worried until around 32 when I really noticed that I was gaining weight. My doctor told me to keep a food diary and use a calorie counter and that is when I realized I had spent most of my life skinny yet consuming over 3000 calories a day - WHY DID I NOT APPRECIATE THOSE TIMES.

My mom body looks like a melted candle.

I’m in Vancouver and our neighbours are anti-vaxxers. They had their first kid when I had my second, and she was super judgemental that I vaccinated and used formula. The weird part is that she also used formula BUT SHE MADE HER OWN which sounded... not safe. Once day she came over and asked me if my kids had ever had