
Same. I’m also a vet, and this shit just sickens me. The three most recent ‘appointments’ to the SCOTUS all lied to Congress, just outright lied, knowing full well they were being placed there to execute their marching orders. They’re not gonna stop.

Rather, not even _in_ Middle School yet. These people are sick.

I would take it further and suggest the author of the letter is an uneducated boob. ‘Federal’ is always capitalized when referring to the Federal government of the United States. Failure to comply with that basic grammatical rule indicates to me that the person who wrote that is simply not accustomed to writing such

Which is really sad. Jalop used to be such a fun place to come and read and comment, but now apparently no comment I ever make gets published, so I’m not sure why I’m even bothering to type this one.

At this point I have to wonder (or perhaps I’m being naive), are a lot of these people modeling the outfits actually models? Just judging from myself and my orbit of friends, none of us look anywhere near what most of these people do, and it’s hard to believe that really good cosplay designers have that skillset AND

He did?

Define “serves the law” vs. “serve the people”. Declaring one may make you feel more smug, but which one feels that it better serves us all? Now choose your side.

These apes should never again be held in captivity or used for purposes like making films. They’re intelligent creatures with internal lives, but more importantly as they age they become much more independent and can be dangerous in the wrong circumstances. And of course once they become difficult to manage, they’re

Well obviously not all content on Youtube, but there is quite a bit of trash on Youtube that is basically all manner of misinformation, misogyny, you name it, that it’s impossible to restrict kids from accessing.
And obviously not all chemicals in food, but a good deal of them. I really hope you don’t need need the

That was EXACTLY what I was thinking, lol!

The Texas Republican response is almost guaranteed to be some form of expanding/introducing gun training for Texas teachers and possibly mandatory sidearm ownership by all Texas school personnel. Just you watch, there will at least be some discussion of that. Because that’s how those fucking ghouls think.

More like 560. 560 people were shot, but (thankfully) only 60 died. Those numbers are still incomprehensible to me.

The writing and humor aren’t bad, but the poke at the last Star Wars movies being made by shitty people trying to collect a paycheck is just pure laziness. If you’re going to use worn out tropes, at least pick ones that are actually true or funny. Other than the striving too hard to get voted cool kid, good article.

100% this. Plus, why spend money needlessly? You wouldn’t want to put the stress of a high torque modern performance engine on an older chassis.

It isn’t that the trailer “should be doing a lot of the braking”. The trailer _will_ be doing all of it’s own braking. Drum brakes aren’t the greatest, and personally I’d put discs on it, but I’m sure there are some engineering reasons for his decision, and honestly if you don’t live in a mountainous area there’s

This is why you see more and more acceptance of bi-racial marriages and children, and white old grandparents doting on their obvious bi-racial grandkids as they push them around the grocery store. It’s become so prevalent, esp. now in lower income neighborhoods that almost every family has some. I see so many more

This is so on point I wish I could give you one gigantic star instead of a feeble little one. The average person getting an abortion is exactly that, an average person. Average people in those areas (I live in Southern Indiana, pretty much ground zero for meth addiction and poor people) are going to be hit sooooo very

You’re conflating “cluster of cells” or even possibly “non-viable fetus” with actual children, born or ‘unborn’, whatever that means. But you know, nice try I guess?

Absolutely this. 100%.

I think you’re wanting to use the word ‘corroborate’ here, not collaborate. Her allegations do seem to be getting more intense, but that could also be because this is the first time (I think) that she’s been able to testify on her own behalf in this trial. My feeling is that unless someone knows either of these people